Our refrigerator [stay with me... same subject], that is less than 2 years old has starting making a noise that is the (in house) equivalent of a leaf blower, and in some moments, a jackhammer. And, I have just realized the irony in this. I thought this would be a quiet week with our daughter gone. But, in my head, God is laughing. He knows I don't love the silence as much as I think I do.

"Wanna make me some mac'n cheese?"
"Mama, I have a question."
"Hey Mom, I was thinkinnnnnn."
"Do you think we could go to... ?"
"What's for dinner?"
"Just curious, but.... "
"I feel like baking something. What can I bake?"
These little "interruptions" in my day are what I cherish as a mom. It's been an interesting couple of years in our home. The transition into public school, one child and one year at a time has brought additional silence. All of it making me realize how much I love my motherly duties. Duties perhaps, but what I love nonetheless.
Oh, and the NOISE. I love the noise. More than I ever imagined I could.

** For those of you who are wondering, the reports out of Chicago are good. Much good is being done in the name of the Lord. TRANSFORMATION is taking place.**
- feeding the homeless
- helping with VBS
- working with disabled adults
- cleaning up and fencing in a new "oasis" area outside a church -- a safe place for people to gather.
So Psalm 46:10 is not a fav? Oh I know what you mean...it does take getting used to. Good thing that the week is half done. Great to hear the good news from Chicago. Best I've heard lately.