Thursday, September 8, 2011

Sweet Dreams

If only.

Why is it so easy for some people to get a good night's rest
(me, I confess),
and not so easy for others
(the rest of my family)?

One has bad dreams.

One has too much on their mind.

One has wheels that turn all night long.

And me?
I'm left feeling guilty for being the one person in the house
that gets a good night's sleep.

Perhaps I shouldn't feel guilty.
Perhaps I am the one person holding it
all together for everyone else at our house.
I'm just telling you right now: that's a scary situation.

There's a lot going on at our house
-- probably at your house too.
Let's face it... IN THE WORLD!

It makes my heart so heavy
to hear upon waking
that my family members didn't sleep well.
I feel helpless to know what to do to help.

I'm going to start praying more diligently
...for peaceful slumber.
...for the chatter of the day to be quieted in our minds.
...for the wheels of our minds to slow to a stop.

Wouldn't that be good for all of us?

Sweet dreams!


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