There are four categories, and photos can be submitted in black & white or color.
- people
- landscape/still life
- animals
- altered/Photoshopped
Want to take a look and help me choose some photos? I sure would appreciate your input. I know the photos aren't super-professional or anything. They're just some shots that I'm particularly proud of, or really like on some gut level. Photos will be submitted as is, minus my watermark. Let me know what you think by leaving your comments.

If you'd like to, you're invited to head on over to my Flickr page HERE. Let me know if there are any other photos that catch your eye. Feel free to leave comments there as well. Thanks, Friends! ~Sally
So I'm not a big fan of jellyfish, but I think that is the best one photographically speaking. My second choice is the yellow rose and my third is the pencils in a glass.
ReplyDeleteThey are all great. The ones that catch my eye are the pencils, the jelly-fish, the book because of the light coming through, and the park bench because of the repeated shape. The fall cart/tractor is beautiful, but there are always a ton of those type shots in contests. I was thinking of doing the same type post for a contest I enter at one of the fall fairs every year. Good luck!!!
ReplyDeleteThe one that drew my attention the most was the bench -- what a great perspective. I also really like the monochromatic shot of the bench by the water. I didn't recognize that it was a jellyfish, but that is really striking as well. And the book is very unique and striking.