Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Bring It On!

My daughter had been home all of 41.5 hours, and she was back to serve at one of her favorite spots from her ministry trip LAST week.  You see, she came home -- but her heart was still with the kids of a local school, just 13 minutes from our home.  Yesterday, she went back to help with the free summer breakfast and lunch program -- the equivalent of the free lunch program that runs during the school year.  In between breakfast and lunch, the kids enjoy a VBS program, reading time, outside time, other miscellaneous activities, and even a little snack somewhere in between breakfast and lunch.

I dropped her off just after 8AM, and when I picked her up at 12:30, she was happier than a clam -- and exhausted. Good thing she had slept from 4PM Sunday until 6:30AM Monday morning!  And imagine, she came home and went back to bed yesterday afternoon.  This is my "oh no, I must not nap, or I won't sleep tonight" girl.  Just sayin'.

While she was sleeping, it occurred to me that I wanted to take a nap, too.  My thought was that when I woke up, I wanted school to have started.  We are sort of approaching the start of school at a fever pitch this year.  This has never before happened in our family history.  After homeschooling for years and years, we sent our son to public school last year.  He was very ready. Our daughter... not so much.  But this fall, it's her time to shine.  It's been a process, but she finally (of her own accord) said to me the other day, "I'm getting really excited for my first day of school!"

Hold on a minute please.  Mom is picking herself up and dusting herself off... (I nearly fainted dead away!) But, see?  God is good.  He urged us in the direction we should take, and even when the road seemed rocky, we stuck to our guns.  And now... the girl is excited, for crying out loud!

And, let it be said that this mama -- who always got a little nervous when she saw the "back-to-school" sales flyers -- is actually looking forward to grabbing those TWO lists of needed items, and hitting the stores.  C'mon already.  Let's get started.  Bring it on.


  1. Thank you for my "first" in the morning birthday greeting:-) I do love to read this blog/ good job Sally!


Thanks so much for taking the time to comment! I read each and every one, and truly enjoy "conversations" with you! ~Sally

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