Have you seen those Royal Caribbean commercials? "The sea is calling..." -- and I totally want my own shell to put up to my ear, because I'm falling for it. I get a little misty-eyed when they come on. Some people cry during Hallmark commercials -- for me it's sea and sand commercials. They get right to the heart of me and make we want to pack my bags.
Since 1987, our family has enjoyed beach vacations -- only missing three years along the way because of unemployment, other BIG TRIPS, or summer jobs. We've missed the last two years, and so we were super excited to be going back this year -- to our home away from home.
Often the weather news is not good. Hurricanes are out at sea, or there are storm clouds gathering. Sometimes red flags are even up, and no swimming is allowed. This year, there were no hurricanes or red flags, but the forecast was for a cloudy, rainy week. Thank goodness those weather-type-people are sometimes wrong. We had a great week!
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A kite for our nightly walks on the beach... |
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A place to clean off all of the sand before going inside... |
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Time moves slower at the beach... |
Is there a vacation spot that tugs at YOUR heart?
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A classic shot of the Outer Banks dunes... |
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