Okay, seriously though... if you are a blogger, there is SO MUCH INFORMATION at this site.
One thing that I just read was that every three or four months, the average blogger gets a new set of readers. And who knows, today might be the day that you are stopping by for the first time.
So, let me introduce myself. I am Sally - a sinner, saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ. I've been married to my sweet hubby for almost 20 years, and we have two awesome kids. Our son is almost 18, and finishing his first (junior) year in public school. Prior to that, we homeschooled, and in fact -- still homeschool our daughter(14), who will attend public school next year.
You can read about some of my interests over there to the left in the sidebar. I've been blogging for just over a year-and-a-half, and LOVE the blogging community! Also in the sidebar, you'll see all the places you can "follow" me.
If you really want to get to know me, you might be interested in some of these ABOUT ME posts.
I confess, I am not a "follow me and I'll follow you" kind of blogger. I just don't think that's the right way to go about things. I follow blogs because they interest me - and that's the only reason I'd want you to follow along here. Also -- I'm not in this for the ratings. I do have to admit, though, it IS fascinating to see all the STATS and realize what it is that people like to read about, or what they have searched for that has led them to my blog.
I try to reply to most comments, either via e-mail -- or by commenting back-atcha on your blog. People who stop here are the sweetest, and I love to hear what's on their minds! If you're stopping by for the first time, I'd love to know what brought you here.
I got the idea for the name of my blog from a poem that I was given at a Mother-Daughter Tea. I understand that there is also a song by the same name - though I've never heard it. Have you?
I try to be honest about things I'm thinking or feeling when I write about them here. The better bloggers will tell you that it's important to be "real", and not just present a perfect little life. Life around here isn't perfect, but it is pretty great, and I do believe a positive attitude counts for a LOT!
By the way, are you a collector? Really? Of what? I collect bowls -- but I've heard that some people collect BUTTONS (as in Blog Buttons.) So, wanting to accommodate my new friends, of course, I just want to let you know about my blog button. It's also on the sidebar, but I've included it here in this post as well. If you like the things you read here, feel free to post my button on your blog to let other's know what they're missing. (chuckle).
I'm glad you stopped by. Have a great day!

Just copy the code into an HTML "gadget" on your blog, and the button will appear.
And thank you... for spreading the word!
Well I am going to have to check out that site, sounds like you can really learn some great things there! Just letting you know that you will be my featured Pinterest person on tomorrow's blog post, so if you send me an e-mail then I will send you the button so you can display it on your blog. I hope you join me again on Project Pinterest!
waving hi from the hills of North carolina