Ours was great, great, great. Lots of time spent with family -- just the way we like it, and lots of our favorite foods, which -- ummmm, hello? Is just how we like it.

Christmas Eve was with my husband's family. Our family of four set off as only three, as our son was working until 7PM. He got a job with mall security just a week before Christmas. Can you say late hours and no sleep? Poor, tired guy -- but happy guy. That first paycheck is coming soon! We enjoyed a really nice evening (yes, our son eventually joined us). On the way home -- for the first time, I asked everyone's opinion about what time we should wake up on Christmas morning. You know, we have two teens, so I thought they might be happier to sleep in a little. Our daughter said 7AM, and everyone else thought 8, so.... We all went to bed, and I conveniently forgot to set the alarm (knowing that nobody else would set their's) -- and SUCCESS! We actually slept until 9, and the three of us had to WAKE the girl who wanted to get up at 7! How about THAT?

We always enjoy our Christmas morning around the tree and in our jammies. We are not fancy with faces or hair ready for the day. It's just us. Few pictures are generally taken -- especially now that our kids are older and care more about what pictures they end up in. After gifts are open, we generally go to our separate corners. The kids watch new movies, or play new games. My hubby goes back to bed for a while, and I start peeling the potatoes for Christmas dinner. That's my job every year. That, and Peppermint Patty Brownies. They are a must-have in our family, and a treat that we ONLY indulge in at Christmas.

Later, we headed over the river and through the woods to Grandma and Grandpa's house. There are eleven of us, and we go around the room opening gifts one at a time from youngest to oldest. We all see every thing that gets opened, and I love that. We've done it this way for years now, and the kids have always been very patient. Well -- you know, as patient as kids can be on Christmas Day! After that, it's dinner, and then back for a round of stocking stuffers! By then, our favorite security guard was fading fast, so home we went -- counting our blessings all the way.

Today (too soon), it's back to reality. Hubby and I were up by 9 and checking the weather report which promised snow by 10. No lie. The snow was watching the clock today. It's been snowing in some form or another ever since. Hubby drove the security guard to work, and a 20 minute drive took 40.
Homemade chicken soup is simmering on the stove, and I confess to a secret wish that our son would call to say they're closing the mall early. It's been too long since he's been at the dinner table with us. I miss that more than a little. We are prouder than proud of our security guard, and praying for the lessons that are to be learned along this leg of his journey. Also... thankful, that God holds him tenderly in the hollow of His Hands, and loves him even more than his mom and dad! (Fathom THAT love, I dare ya!)

I'm thankful for this week in between Christmas and the New Year to contemplate all of our blessings, as well as our wishful thinking for the new year. We are so blessed. Events of this particular season, both nationally and personally, have caused us to be even more aware of that fact.
I hope that you're tucked in at home and all cozied up with a favorite blanket today. Whatever you're doing, enjoy these last few days of 2012!
Yes, it has come and gone so fast... My hubby and I were so busy doing for everyone else we seem to miss the celebration.....going to make some changes next year... I want to slow down and enjoy....Blessings!