In fact, my family enjoys your actual products as well. Apricot Preserves and Sugar-Free Concord Grape Jam are two of our often-purchased items. Occasionally, we enjoy your Hot Fudge Topping in a favorite recipe.
I store dehydrated onions in one jar in my spice cupboard.
This weekend, I bought taco seasoning in bulk (read: not individual packets), and today, I transferred it from the not-so-sturdy plastic container to one of the Smucker's jars that I'd saved. When I open my cupboard, I see all kinds of gingham cuteness.
I wondered why you took the time to make those jar lids so attractive. Now I know. You were ahead of your time in thinking, "Reduce. Reuse. Recycle." Thanks Mr. Smucker!
You should forward this to the Smucker company. Who knows what might happen!!!