Since then, I have set up several little scenes using the gifted items, and some of my own trinkets. In fact, one scene became the object of a little joke. One day, my hubby walked by and put "a little something extra" inside the cloche, making it part of the scene. You know, just a tiny knick-knack that was close by. He wanted to see how long it would take for me to notice. [Come live at my house. There's never a dull moment!] Anyway, I'm pretty sure that was during the summer (when I was working every day), and I'm sad to say that by the time I noticed, he had long forgotten his prank!
Well, the cloche is finally getting it's due.

Thanks for the wonderful gift, Jill!

I love how it sparks my creativity... seasonally!

Linking up for "I'm Lovin' It" @
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