HELLO? [anybody have the urge to sing: "Is it ME you're lookin' for?" -- Oh Lionel!]
Hi, it's Mom. [calling to see how something we prayed about went]
Hi, it's Diana. [calling to share her celebration: She's DONE. RETIRED!! OFFICIALLY.]
Hi, it's THE LOVE OF YOUR LIFE. [calling to check in and explain why he didn't pack the stuff in the fridge that I'd gotten for his lunch]
Hi, it's Diana again. [because now I have more time to talk, and I want to know what's really going on in your life]
Hi, it's Marie. [and I want to know when your son's graduation party is, so that I can help]
Hi, it's Sasha. [and I want to tell you about the fabulous new shower curtain I won. [Okay, Sasha didn't really call me, but we banter back and forth in e-mails SO MUCH, and I've been campaigning for her and her family to move to my neck of the woods, so it was kind of cool to actually hear her voice in a little video she posted.] And yes, it's a really cute shower curtain!
Every time the phone rang, it was a different happy surprise.

And speaking of surprises...
Several years ago, my hubby took our four visiting nieces to Lowe's and let them each pick out a rose bush for our garden. As I recall, the colors were red, a pale creamy peach, a darker peach, and pink. This many years later, we have three of the four rosebushes left, and they are all red. I was perplexed about the hows and whys of this happening. This is the answer I found on a yahoo Q&A board: "it is because the [pink] rose was grafted onto a red rose rootstock. If you cut the [pink] rose back too far, or the [pink] rose died, it left the rootstock of the red rose which took over." Actually, I'm not at all surprised to find that this is the case. Last summer, the roses did TERRIBLY! We cut them way back in the fall (certain that we had not cut them back far enough the fall prior), and probably ended up cutting off the grafted rose entirely!
Anyway, I'm kind of liking the "all one color" look. It ends up looking like a more substantial rose garden, when it's really quite tiny.
And one more...

Whose recipe? Who else's? The Pioneer Woman's!!! So, my hubby got the rolls all ready on Friday night, and got up early on Saturday to bake. What a guy!!! [What a nice pre-birthday breakfast!]
Sunday was the day, and I got treated to lunch at a [new to us] Mexican restaurant [a surprise], and was gifted with a new cross-body purse [not a surprise... my daughter and I shopped a good sale last week!!]
Was your weekend full of surprises, or just routine?
Speaking of routine, my girl and I will be back to an "almost school routine" this week due to morning Vacation Bible School at our church. We'll be up & at 'em & out the door early. I'm not sure how much posting I'll do here, though you know of course, I'll do my best.
Hope you all have a great week!
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