Here's the thing: other than lunch -- we spent no money. Zero. ZERO was also the amount of expectations we had for the day, and truly, that made the day so much more enjoyable. We didn't know where we were headed, or what we'd see, or what we'd opt to do. The rule wasn't necessarily "no spending," it just worked out that way.
I thought I'd share because, it's easy to feel trapped when you're on a budget -- but sometimes, that's the best part of the adventure. This day ended up being a picture-taking adventure. No destination. No rules. Just appreciating everything that came our way.
Our day looked something like this:
We started with lunch here...

Wake & Bacon - yum!

Playhouse Square District ~ Cleveland

Cleveland Firefighters Memorial

A 9/11 tribute.

A view from the Great Lakes Science Center lobby.

Outside the Science Center's back door.

The Steamship William G. Mather
Maritime Museum and lakefront attraction
Maritime Museum and lakefront attraction

The lobby of the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame.

A wedding party hamming it up outside the R&R HOF.

What a beautiful day we enjoyed!

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