I haven't done a randomness post for a long while.
Here are a few of the things going on around here lately:
I took my daughter to the doctor for a bad earache. She's been toughing it out for over a week, and it was finally time. It's not easy having a girl with a high pain threshold. Sometimes, she's really hurting, and we totally forget about it because she is just "living with it." (She gets this from her father, not ME -- that's for sure!) Anyway, I finally made the call for the appointment. We pay at the beginning of our appointments. However, yesterday when we checked in, the receptionist told us that we had a $25 credit on our account, and so we owed nothing. Then, the doctor gave us a prescription script and offered us not one, but TWO samples that we could use before turning in the script at the pharmacy. Potentially, we won't even need to FILL the prescription! Our entire visit? FREE. Oh, and the account credit? Well, actually this has happened no less than THREE times to us in the past THREE months. Really, I'm not that bad of an accountant!! I'm calling it a "God Thing."
And about that diagnosis... Eustachian Tube Dysfunction (discomfort and possible damage in the ear due to pressure differences between the inside and outside of the eardrum). This was a new one to us. Our daughter likes to keep us guessing. I kidded her that she is the trailblazer in the family -- going places that none of us have gone. Or, in this case, receiving a diagnosis that none of us has received (or heard of). Ya learn something new every day, right?
I made an old favorite of mine for lunch. Rarely do the "planets align" (just kidding, I don't believe in that kind of stuff) so that I have all three ingredients in the house at the same time. Yesterday... was that day. I had a half-brick of softened cream cheese. I added some chopped green olives, and a couple teaspoons of olive "juice" from the jar, mixed it together and oh my - delicious. Served on rye bread, of course.

I threw away the poinsettia that I received from friends on Thanksgiving Day. It was finally time. There was more "bare stem" than foliage. But, it was a great plant, and was beautiful (if not full) right up to the end.
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This is a picture from a better day... |
it was cold and felt like winter again. But, I looked at the photos in my camera, and found this photo from the day before when it was sunny and 60+ degrees. ...when the black stormy and white fluffy clouds were so dramatic against a blue sky ...when we came home at 9:00 in the evening, and weren't chilly without jackets. It will be that warm (and stay that warm) again someday, right?
I drove by that sign again... The one at the church around the corner.
It says, "God isn't in a hurry."
I wonder why God causes me to look at that every single time I drive by there.
Perhaps he's trying to tell me something. (Ya think?)
Well, what's new at your house?
Is there anything God is trying
to tell you lately?
God's telling me I shouldn't be in a hurry either! Slow down. Savor the everyday EXTRAordinary moments. Lovely post Sal! Have a great weekend. Hope your daughter is feeling better.