This morning, I'm thankful for a great 4-day weekend with no obligations. Around here, the kids had Friday off, and today as well. Yesterday, I was happy to be able to remind my son (who had forgotten) that he didn't have school today. This morning, the kids are both sleeping in, and I'm enjoying the quiet.
Friday was a quiet baking day around here, and then chauffeuring my daughter and friend to the football game. They absolutely froze, but had fun together. I'm glad my girl had a buddy to go to the game with since I wasn't feeling up to sitting out in the cold yet!
On Saturday, we had a bit of an adventure --but no pictures to show for it since I forgot my camera. In search of a specific birthday gift for a special someone, we visited Rubber City Clothing downtown. It's a unique shop with lots of Akron-wear! [For those of you who aren't familiar with our fair city, we have long been referred to as the historical "Rubber Capital of the World" or the more modern "Rubber City" because of Akron's association with companies like General Tire, Goodrich, Firestone, and Goodyear through the years.]

Also on Saturday, we did a two-minute stroll around a quiet, old, itty-bitty pumpkin farm, and then visited a nursery that was bustling with families and lots of kid-friendly fall activities. The contrast was so interesting. My favorite is still Kingsway!
Yesterday was a great morning of worship, followed by our traditional "second Sunday" lunch at my parents. We enjoyed a great lunch, and as always, animated conversation around the table with all eleven of us. There was even talk of Thanksgiving! It will be here before we know it. Last night, homemade applesauce simmered on the stove-top, courtesy of my sweet hubby. Love those fall fragrances!
I'm not a hustle-bustle kind of girl, so this weekend was right up my alley. Slow and simple. I hope you enjoyed yours too! We're still moving at a slow pace around here today. Tomorrow will come all-too-soon in a "feels like Monday on Tuesday" kind of way... which (come to think of it) makes this a four day week. You know what that means? It's almost the weekend again!
In the meantime... I hear laundry calling my name.
Happy Monday!

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