The other day, I posted THIS, and asked for suggestions from working moms on how they keep their household running smoothly. You see, every summer for the past seven years, I have had a summer job for nine weeks. Because it isn't a year-long routine, I find it hard to "get in the groove" for nine weeks, and accomplish all of the things that NEED to be accomplished in our home -- like serve a family meal each evening after being gone all day. Therefore, I was looking for suggestions, offering to give a plug to your blog if I picked your suggestion as one of the top five. Well, I only had TWO takers!
Cha Cha said:
"I have a master list of things that need to be done and when we have a moment I go to it and pick the next most important thing. This helps because I forget in the chaos and then nothing gets done until it is piled over our heads and everyone is hungry and nobody is Happy."
Cha Cha has become a sweet blogging friend. Her blog is "Sit Relax and Read". She is (in her own words) "a wife to a wonderful and patient man who puts up with and works hard on my crazy ideas. I am a (homeschooling) momma to two beautiful girls who could not be more different from each other. I am a daughter, sister, friend, and Aunt Cha Cha to adorable neices and nephews. I love being all of these people, but mostly I love being a redeemed child of God and the peace and joy it gives me. This blog is my attempt to not forget what we have accomplished, where we have gone, and how we have grown." -- and a beautiful blog it is! Cha Cha shares her decorating and craft projects, her sentimental side, and her wish list of ten tasks to be accomplished in ten days. She has a great little ETSY SHOP too!
Jill said:
"Make your Crock Pot your friend....which is the corrolary to 'make your calendar your friend.' :D
Now, that comment might not make much sense to you, but it makes perfect sense to ME, since Jill is my sister! We have a long-standing joke in our family about making your calendar your friend, AND I know that my sister is much more "in touch" with her crock-pot than I am with mine! I tend to use mine for winter soups and stews. Jill, on the other hand is a busy mom of three stair-step kids -- and has learned to use her crock-pot more effectively! Jill's blog is "Keeping on the Narrow Way." She is (in her own words) "wife to Mike, and SAHM to three special children that God blessed us with through adoption from India. Each day I strive to obey God by loving my husband and children and keeping our home. But life is....well, life is life. Some days are harder than others. Maybe by reading about my life you will be encouraged that we're not all alone in this job called "Motherhood". I really enjoy (read: am addicted to) digital scrapbooking. It's one way I like to share about what's happening in our family's life." Jill's blog is a beautiful look at her family (my adorable niece and nephews), and a showcase of her digital scrapbooking skills. Check it out!
**Thanks, ladies for your helpful tips!
My apologies for the delay in getting this post up.**
My apologies for the delay in getting this post up.**
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Fireworks through 3-D glasses! |
I hope everyone has a great 4th of July.
Celebrate our freedom as Americans,
and don't forget to give thanks for
those who have fought for that freedom!
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