
Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Note Card Party 8.21

Welcome to this month's Note Card Party, courtesy of our friend Vee!

If you've been here before, you know I like to link my photos to their original post, so you can see them in context -- because sometimes that matters, like when a flower photo is actually used in a post about FLOWERS. {A little joke around here, since I use flower pics for EVERY kind of post.}  I do love taking pictures of flowers. I usually joke that they are good subjects because they sit still for me.  This summer however, we have had lots of cool, balmy breezes that have caused me to re-think that statement.  No complaints about that, though!  It's been a wonderful summer.

The graduate (otherwise known as our security guard) is working, and our girl is headed back to school on September 5th -- so we are winding down around here.  Our back-to-school shopping is done -- at least until we learn specific details on the first day of school, so we are chillin'.

Sit back and "chill" with us, and ENJOY the photos!



Sweet Pea - you can view this one on my photo blog.  Just click on the photo.  I was surprised to see these growing wild along a local walking path.  Since taking the photo, I have seen them numerous places along the roadside!

Alpine Poppy - this sweet little surprise showed up after planting a pack of wildflower seeds in mini peat pots.  Interestingly enough, I had planted some of these very poppies several years back, and the bunnies gobbled them up like there was no tomorrow.  Somehow, this little lovely got by the bunnies.  Lucky me!


  1. Beautiful flowers! I have a lantana in my yard and the butterflys just love it!

    And I LOVE the name of your blog.

    1. Or lantana is across the yard from the butterfly bushes where the butterflies congregate. They don't seem to notice the lantana -- but I still love it! =)

      Thanks for stopping by Melissa, and for your sweet comments! Hope you had a great day.

  2. I love yours. That second one with the lantana is my favorite for some reason. I think it's the colors. But now, I love that bee capture on the last one, too!

  3. They are gorgeous and you even picked up a visitor. : )

  4. These are beautiful! It seems that several of us gravitated toward the flower theme this month! I especially love the sweet pea (with water droplets!) and poppy images.

  5. The bee and the poppy make me smile! I've been photographing bees myself this Summer. I'm not sure I've posted a single one of those pics on my blog. Hmmm...

  6. Just beautiful. Each one is just perfect. I especially like the white one. It would make a perfect card for a wedding.

  7.'s all so sweet...can't go wrong with flowers, right? Lantana...I have so missed it. Glad I am that you can say with joy that it has been a wonderful summer. I can say that this past week has been the brightest spot of summer.

  8. Beautiful photos of those gorgeous flowers. I actually sent one of your cards to a friend of mine this week. xo

  9. Beautiful images that are very note-card-worthy. I love the color of the poppy flower - so pink and soft.

  10. I am sitting here trying to find the right words to describe how beautiful these are, absolutely magnificent. Great note cards, thanks for sharing your beauty.Thank you for taking the time to visit with me.

  11. Gorgeous! I love the soothing softness of the white hydrangea and the vivid colors of the other three. I have several Lantana plants and so enjoy their colors on my porch and in my yard.:>)

  12. Beautiful images! They really would be lovely notecards! Blessings...

  13. Lovely note cards, I love the sweet peas covered in rain drops.

  14. Hi Sally!

    I love all your flower photos, but the pink poppy is my favorite, as I've never seen that color poppy before!


Thanks so much for taking the time to comment! I read each and every one, and truly enjoy "conversations" with you! ~Sally