
Thursday, July 3, 2014

This Week In My Kitchen ~ 7.3.14

:: Capturing my love of food, combined with the activity of a bustling kitchen.
A weekly collection of photos from the heart of our home. ::

Joining Heather for:
[click photo to join blog hop]

Back from the beach, and back to reality.
Checking out this week's calendar and list of things to do.

 Our first black raspberries, and a lone raspberry.

I showed this to you in my last post,
but didn't mention that it was a find at a favorite beach store.
It has inspired me to start a gallery wall in my kitchen.

Just a few photos to share with you this week, as we are getting back to reality after our vacation, and preparing our daughter for a week away on a ministry trip with a team from our church -- all while trying to get back to normal from THIS MESS.  Needless to say, there hasn't been a lot of picture-taking going on.  Still, I couldn't resist a chance to participate, and see what all of you are up to in your kitchens this week. 

Hope you're having a great week!  ~Sally


  1. Wow black raspberries! Delicious! Lucky you :)

  2. Your raspberries are wonderful, we are wainting for ours , but they are in late. The paint for your kitchen is very nice ^_^


Thanks so much for taking the time to comment! I read each and every one, and truly enjoy "conversations" with you! ~Sally