
Monday, July 7, 2014

A Beautiful Day In the Neighborhood

Morning Friends.  I'm running late today.  My girl is off in Chicago-land, and my hubby and son are on the late(r) shift today, so I slept in a little later than usual.  A treat!

If you have a minute today and would pray... Please pray for my daughter.  Her assignment in Chicago shifted at the last minute from VBS with kids to helping out at a facility for disabled adults.  I believe it's a "daycare" facility.  While I know she will do well, the text she sent me was filled with doubt and uncertainty.  New ground.

And speaking of a beautiful day in the neighborhood (title reference)... why, YES!  It is.  AC is off, doors and windows are open, and the birds are singing a happy song this morning.  While I am a huge fan of AC for those steamy summer days, there is NOTHING, NOTHING like the smell of fresh air, and the sound of the outdoors filtering through the rooms of our home.  It gives a totally different tone to the day for me.

I have big plans for this week!  Time to get all of those garage sale items priced.  Today might be just the day to get started if the temps aren't too overwhelming.

I'm also hoping to get lots of scrapbooking done this week.  BECKY HIGGINS had a bunch of her Project Life products on sale over the weekend, and I took advantage of that.  Moving forward, I'm planning to switch over to Project Life rather than the more traditional method of scrapbooking which I've been using since... my daughter was a baby... about 16 years!  That method served me well, but the truth is that I've been getting more and more behind!  Since becoming a blogger, the more time-consuming "traditional scrapbooking ways" just don't seem to suit me as much.  In a way... blogging has becoming a new form of "scrapbooking" our life.  I do still enjoy the physical albums to look back on though -- so I want to continue in some form of scrapbooking.  While stores close, and supplies seem to become more limited... Project Life is just getting started, so I'm confident I'll be able to use this system for a long while -- particularly if I stay tuned for Becky's sales!

You've heard me talk about Project Life before.  Remember my Disney album from our big Disney trip for my parents' 50th Anniversary Celebration?

Also, you can read more about Project Life HERE.

Well, that's all for now.  I'm hoping my "late start" won't mess me up too much, since the guys will both be working late today as well.  Hoping for a productive day.

Is your neighborhood beautiful today?

1 comment:

  1. Oooohhhh, yummy blackberries! I could eat the pics.. I am so proud of your daughter.. I know she will experience something new in her faith and character of God this week.. I ask that God bless her tremendously because of her willingness to go! Have a great time us what you do.. Blessings!


Thanks so much for taking the time to comment! I read each and every one, and truly enjoy "conversations" with you! ~Sally