
Thursday, November 7, 2013

Homemade Gift-Giving (Part 2)

Ready for Part 2?  I've got a couple more ideas for you!
(If you weren't here for PART 1, you can read that post HERE.)

I used THIS IDEA for a cake stand, found on Pinterest.  I scoured the stores for matching or coordinating melamine plates and bowls to make the little cake stands.  My best sources were Target, a local discount store, and our local grocery store.

I wanted to make each cake stand unique -- and Christmas-y if I could. Only a few ended up being non-Christmas -- and they were pretty cute, too.

To each cake stand, I added two mini-loaves of bread, some packets of specialty cocoa and cider, and candy canes.

The mini foil pans w/ plastic lids were purchased at our local grocery store, but you can find them at lots of places around the holidays, and often even in Christmas colors/patterns.

I  purchased large "basket gift bags" at Michael's, and tied each gift bag with red and white twine, a glittery ornament, and a gift tag.  The bags I found ended up being a little bit bigger than I needed, so I just cut a few inches off the open end.  (Be sure you open up, and know for sure which end that is before you start cutting... I'm just sayin'.)

It was fun coming up with all of the plate/bowl combinations -- and I did a lot of baking and freezing to have all of the mini-loaves ready!  I chose Banana Bread, Pumpkin Bread, and Cranberry-Orange Bread.  Each plate got two different loaves.  I received lots of compliments -- about the home-baked breads, as well as the cake-stand idea.  Not gonna lie.  I felt kind of clever.  Pinterest ROCKS.  What can I say? *wink*

1. Don't seal up your gift-bags any sooner than necessary.  The glue used for this project (E6000) has a strong scent.  I noticed that it (still) didn't smell too great when I opened a bag to add an item.  I'd give these plates as much time unwrapped as possible, to allow the glue to cure.

2. If you've frozen your breads, allow for a little condensation before wrapping!  You don't want your recipient to open a drippy gift!  (I let mine thaw on towels on the kitchen counter the day of giving!)

3. Also, remember... tell your recipients to hand wash the cake plate!

See similar projects HERE and HERE.

You might also enjoy making these gifts:

'13 Gratefulness
* grateful for an amazing sunrise yesterday morning
* grateful that 3 "international" babies let 3 nice ladies [that don't speak their language] comfort them while their mamas were in English classes
* grateful to work with two sweet women who love the babies as much as I do
* grateful for my daughter's involvement in our church youth group
* grateful for dear friends who graciously open their large home to the youth group

Feel free to chime in with a comment!  What are you grateful for today?


  1. I've seen the idea of a plate glued on a glass candleholder too. Those items are easily found at thrift stores. So clever... We'll be baking up cookies and candies this time next month to give to our neighbors! I think I'll get a head start on the Christmas cards too.

  2. Sally
    Great gift ideas!
    Homemade gifts are my favorite by a long shot.


Thanks so much for taking the time to comment! I read each and every one, and truly enjoy "conversations" with you! ~Sally