
Sunday, July 28, 2013

And Now, Back to Our Regularly Scheduled Programming

Well, my sweet hubby goes back to work on Monday.  The stay-cation is over.  It was great -- and really like a vacation in some aspects.  I didn't work very hard all week.  I didn't have to cook much due to graduation party leftovers and shared cooking duty with some other folks (who might have been restaurant/fast food cooks).  I didn't get much laundry done.  And, we enjoyed a few adventure days.  The best part was that we were able to take some drives, and have some adventures with even our security guard along for the ride!  Best adventures ever when he is a willing participant, because that means we're all together.  There's nothing that makes this mama happier -- even if we're all together doing nothing in particular, like flip-flopping through the local flea market bartering for Wii games.  (Me and my bad self might have totally stepped in to show my girl some bartering bravery.  Because really?  I'm never going to see these people again.  What do I have to lose?*  LOL)

*Please do not take this opportunity to remind me that I might see them on our weekly visit NEXT week.  I'll totally lose my nerve!

We also enjoyed some rain last week, and some cooler summer days and nights that reminded me of the summers of my youth. Remember?  When you used to take a jacket if you were going out in the evening? That is not typical for us around here.  But, I love those cool summer nights.  We call it "great sleepin' weather!"

Because of these cooler temps, the air-conditioning has been mostly-off.  Unless you count the night that I had just laid down, only to hear the hum of the mosquito truck.  Do you have those where you live?  It's a humming yellow-lighted truck with a sprayer on the back.  Kills bugs dead.  Well... that might be somebody else's slogan, but you get my drift.

It was kind of like The Night Before Christmas with a clatter out on the lawn, except this time, Mama rose from her bed to see what was the matter.  Oh holy cow.  Let me tell you that when the mosquito truck comes around, you don't want your windows open.  El-Stinko!  Luckily, it was really on someone else's "lawn" that I heard the clatter, and we battened down the hatches before it got to us.  Yep.  Air-conditioning on that night.

I've already shared about the graduation party, and time spent with family.  Also, we got to enjoy a mostly spontaneous visit with friends when we returned things we'd borrowed for the graduation party.  Old, old friends.  Iced tea.  Shoes off.  Reclining sofas.  Yep, it's just like home when we go there. Every time.

One day, we headed out on an hour-long drive to find a burger place.  We found it.  We weren't all that impressed, and we agreed that it wasn't worth the drive.  Plus: ZERO atmosphere.  Sorry, but I am totally into atmosphere.

The drive, however was beautiful -- like the photo below.

Okay, we got a late start and were taking the fast route.  But, on the way home...

Aaaaaah, yes.
Country roads, take me home.

Oh.  I am home.

Is that laundry I hear calling?  It might just be the wrong number.  *wink
Stay tuned.  I'll share more adventuring on Tuesday!


  1. Once you get in the adventure habit, it's hard to let go. Further, there may be no need to.

  2. I always enjoy a good stay-cation. Love drives, stopping along the way at whatever just caught your fancy. Even catching up on things around the house. xo

  3. Glad you had a nice stay vacation! And don't fret about bartering at the flea market. It's part of the whole dance, and the vendors expect it. If you pay what they are asking without question, then they will chuckle about you being a patsy as soon as you turn your back. Think of THAT, next time you go!

    Ah, and country road driving is the best!

  4. Sounds like you had a wonderful time. Thanks for joining us this week at the Let's Get Social Sunday party. have a wonderful week!


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