
Wednesday, July 24, 2013


We are enjoying some much-needed down-time this week.

My sister-in-law asked me if we had done a lot of fun stuff this summer.  I said it kind of felt like we started with a bang: GRADUATION.  Then we waited and prepared for our daughter's trip to Chicago.  Then we waited for her to return home.  Then we waited and prepared for our son's graduation party.  Now, our big summer events are past, and we are just being.  It feels kind of good, I'm not gonna lie.  I'm not planning or waiting for anything.

So far this week, we enjoyed one fabulous fly-by-the-seat-of-our-pants day with my hubby's sister and her family.  We visited and ate lots of graduation party leftovers together, and then headed off on boy and girl adventures.  The dads went to see a movie, while the moms took six girls to a butterfly exhibit.  Really.  I couldn't wait to get some pictures with the girls and the butterflies... But alas, we arrived to find that they were closed on Monday, so it was off to a park for a little activity.  Luckily, I was able to get some pictures of the girls there before the rain came.

Cousins: 7, 9, 10, 8, 12, and 15 [my girl].

More rain came yesterday, but we got some things checked off our "TO DO" list.

I can't wait to see what today brings!  I guess I AM waiting for something.... some Staycation Adventures!  Bring 'em on!

What are you up to this week?


  1. Decompressing days are a special gift of summer. I know that you cherish them. You are planning another butterfly trip, right? That would make for some wonderful photos.

  2. Spontaneous fun can truly lift your spirits!


Thanks so much for taking the time to comment! I read each and every one, and truly enjoy "conversations" with you! ~Sally