
Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Note Card Party 5.15

Hello Friends!  The time has totally gotten away from me today, but luckily, I checked my blogroll in time to see Vee's reminder!!

It's Note Card Party Time!

Here in NEOhio, it's COLD again.  Really.  The wind just whipped around our house and made the worst wintry whistle.  [Say that ten-times-fast!]  The past couple of nights we've had a frost warning -- after all of those lovely warm days!!!  [Oh, it's so difficult to feel like we're moving backwards!]  Luckily, our area escaped frost. Hurray!!  The clearance annuals live on!

And speaking of annuals... ummmm, this month's photos... AREN'T - ha!  These are all of our early spring arrivals this year... the perennial favorites.

Usually when I prepare my note cards for the party, I realize that one of these cards is not like the other [hmmm, reminds me of a Sesame Street game.]  This time is no different.  Three of these photos are taken outdoors, and the fourth is not.  Nevertheless, they are all... you guessed it... my favorite... FLORAL shots. Don't forget: all shots are linked to their original posts.

I look forward to seeing what you have up your sleeves this month!  Thanks for stopping by for a visit.  I always enjoy hearing what you have to say.  So please, let's chat.

I'll get the ball rolling ('cuz I just heard a funny joke).

Q: What do you call a person with no body and no nose?  (Answer follows photos)

A: Nobody knows.  [Get it?]
Oh well, maybe I should stick to picture taking... or not.  Let me know what you think. *wink


  1. Your photos are lovely. The joke might be fun for a caption in one of them! haha! It made ME laugh! Sweet hugs!

  2. Gorgeous floral note cards. The backlit hellebore is pretty.

  3. You can never share too many images of flowers! Lovely! I'll be giggling about no body knows the rest of the day!

  4. Hahahahhaha...snagging it and sending it to my grandson who loves jokes and is always sharing one with me.

    Okay, back to the note cards. Ohhhhh, ahhhh, scrumptious each one. I rather like the one that includes the bowl, but they are all beautiful.

  5. Giggle. Verrrry funny.

    I love every single one of your shots. My favorite is the last one for some reason. (Maybe I'm just a Sesame Street kind of girl.)

  6. This is a lovely spring collection of note cards and I think your joke was funny!!

  7. your great photos, you silly silly woman, you. :)
    Isn't this a fun party!

  8. Love your photos of the flowers. Some of my very favorites! Thanks for the joke, too.

  9. It's been cold down here too, except today it got up into the 70's. Maybe it will be a new trend. Love that hellebore photo. Those are one of my favorite plants.

  10. Beautiful photos of beautiful flowers, Sally. It is cooler here too, with frost warnings north and west of the city. I refuse to turn my heat back on! Haven't planted yet either. xo

  11. I'm visiting from Vee's party. Cute joke! And beautiful flowers!

  12. Beautiful flowers, love the close up shots of them, so you can see the tiniest details. Visiting from Vee's notecard party. ~ Abby

  13. Hi Sally,

    I love your joke. :-D Your flower note cards are gorgeous!! I especially like the pink hyacinth and the lenten roses. What a pretty variety of perennials you have in your garden. Our David Austin rose is blooming right now, and I'm enjoying it so.

    Thanks for your visit and have a wonderful day!

    Denise at Forest Manor

  14. Beautiful spring flower colors! Glad you came to the party!


  15. Beautiful photos. Love the tulip. Ours are all gone now.

  16. Sally, you're so fun! Your photos are beautiful and would make lovely notecards. The weather has changed to much cooler here in New Brunswick too and with our Victoria Day long weekend coming up, will be disappointing for the campers first outing. Blessings, Pamela

  17. Fun joke!

    And lovely photos! I love flowers...


  18. Flowers will always make beautiful note cards Sally and can be used for many different occasions.
    I loved your joke - a great start to the day for me!!
    Now back to my husband's tax...grrr!
    Shane ♥

  19. With Winter having hung on way too long, your photos are a breath of fresh air! Such beautiful close ups of flowers to feast our eyes on!
    Have a great Spring. It's almost here in my area because we had our first thunderstorm today! It was wonderful!


Thanks so much for taking the time to comment! I read each and every one, and truly enjoy "conversations" with you! ~Sally