
Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Mother's Day, and Then Some

It's Wednesday already.  How is that possible?  These days of May are flying by for me.  The kids are finishing up school, and soon the summer schedule will be upon us!  In the meantime, how did I get from Saturday to Wednesday?

Saturday was cake-baking and birthday celebrating for us.  My daughter baked her first angel-food cake for Sunday's strawberry shortcake, while I caught up on laundry.  Saturday evening we celebrated our nephew's 15th birthday.

Sunday was (as always) a great day of worship.  We have the best worship band.  I could sing with them all day!!!  Afterwards, it was on to my parents for our 2nd Sunday lunch, and some gift opening.  Since my daughter asked, I mentioned that I would love a new goldfinch feeder.  Taa-daa.  That was my gift.  To that, add this great card from my son.  Cards are few and far between from him, so it sort of tickles me that he took the time to find this.  Apparently he spent some time reading cards, because he told me of at least two others that he might've chosen for me.

... probably thinking, "Okay,
what did the kid do this time?"
Happy Mother's Day
(P.S. Nothing's wrong, I swear!)

Mom, opening her gifts on Sunday

Monday?  Since I did a late post on Sunday, I didn't worry about Monday.  It was a day for more laundry, and some errands. On Monday evening, I somehow found out that people sell their homeschool curriculum on Etsy.  WHAT?  Why did I not think of that?  I guess that because I never shopped for curriculum on Etsy, I never thought to SELL it there either.  Well, that's all about to change.  If I hadn't fallen asleep during "Castle," I totally would've started listing things Monday night.

On Tuesday, I woke up with a purpose.  It was my intention to get some curriculum listed on Etsy, and that I did!  You know how I've talked about being productive while still in p.j.'s?  Yep.  It was that kind of day.  Etsy can be a time consuming thing, what with descriptions and picture taking!  But, I've got a start.  I even listed some Vintage Children's Books.

Also, we spotted a goldfinch at my new feeder.  My hubby says the goldfinch will tell two friends, and they'll tell two friends, and so on, and so on...

And, about this guy... He was in my little rose garden... all day.  Just lounging.  Truly, he was there from about 6:45AM until 4:30 with maybe a break for lunch.  I caught him in a few different positions, most of which made me laugh.  This is definitely his home.

It made me laugh to see him out there with his statuesque counterpart.  The other day, I happened to look out and see him much closer to the statue.  It seemed he was looking out of the corner of his eye -- you know, in case anyone was watching.  He wouldn't want to appear interested in this stranger.  

Well, today is Wednesday.  Wednesday is my scrapbooking day.  Mom and I alternate going to one another's houses to work on scrapbook pages for a couple of hours.  So, Mom will be coming here today.  I always look forward to that.  Right now, I'm working on getting pictures into a scrapbook for a friend.  Her family is my family, and so it's always fun to work with her photos!

What about you?  Is the week flying by for you?  Any new flowers up in your yard?  New birds at your feeder?  Have any new friends in your yard?  -- or new scrapbook pages finished?  What about new boxes on your doorstep?  I confess, I'm eagerly awaiting one of those.  I'll tell you more about it when it arrives.  Stay tuned.

In the meantime, live your Wednesday to the fullest.  Afterall, tomorrow's already Thursday!


  1. Amazing how quickly time goes by! Your friend in the garden is too cute :) Have a beautiful day.

    Hugs to you!

  2. I think that bunny is trying to work up the nerve to ask the statuesque lady in the corner for her phone number. :D


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