
Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Fall Nesting Party 10.2

20 Little Things I Love About Fall
  1. putting the summery home-decor away, and pulling out fall-ish things
  2. buying a new desk planner/calendar for the coming new year
  3. the changing leaves
  4. wearing sweaters and sweatshirts
  5. watching movies with the family -- everyone bundled under their own blanket.
  6. how this new chill feels "so cold" ... until winter hits, and then we remember what COLD really is.
  7. It's SOUP SEASON.  Oh how I've been waiting for this!
  8. I'm not a shoe-lover, but I love that shoes feel good after a season of bare feet.
  9. pumpkins
  10. the color-scheme
  11. getting a cup of hot apple cider at a farmer's market
  12. enjoying the band at Friday night football
  13. having windows open during the warm days, and closing them up at night because it's too chilly
  14. doing more baking
  15. starting my Christmas shopping
  16. using the crockpot more
  17. lighting candles... a lot
  18. thinking about what homemade Christmas gifts I'll make this year
  19. LOTS of hot tea
  20. all the wonderful flavors of coffee-creamer that I start to find at the grocery store.

Melissa @ The Inspired Room is hosting Fall Nesting Parties every Tuesday in October.  Today, I'm joining up for week ONE: "Twenty Little Things I Love About Fall."

And for my sweet hubby, who always waits around for the final credits to roll...

Happy 20th Anniversary to the love of my life.

Our anniversary was actually last week.  We celebrated with a dinner out at one of our favorite restaurants over the weekend, and then... I got sick.  No. Not from the restaurant.  Turns out it's some viral bug, and it's miserable. And my sweet hubby has taken over the house, knowing that when I am this sick (which, thankfully, isn't often)... I am not very motherly, or nurturing, or domestic, or... anything that you would call "productive."

I'm thinking how my hubby called me last week asking if I thought it would be okay for him to switch shifts for this week... Turns out it's a shift that allows him to work at home, and really?  That's lovely for this particular week!

You know, viral stuff means no antibiotics and lots of waiting.  Shoot.

But, lots of napping, and OTC meds have me on my way -- and I'm so thankful that I knew my sweet hubby was right here at home, managing things for me while I slept.  He is, quite simply... THE BEST.

Thanks for hanging in there with me Babe... in sickness and in health!

Daisypath Anniversary tickers


  1. Hi Sally,
    Thanks for the visit, love your list, totally made me smile!
    Happy Anniversary to you both, glad you are feeling better! Happy Fall!

  2. What a great list, Sally! And Happy Anniversary to your and your DH!

  3. That's a good list! I'm with you on a lot of them!

    Happy late anniversary!


Thanks so much for taking the time to comment! I read each and every one, and truly enjoy "conversations" with you! ~Sally