
Monday, October 1, 2012

My New Fascination

is "Filler" or "Table Scatter."

Are you familiar with it?  I can't seem to get enough of it, and lately I've been seeing much more of this type of thing.  We've all seen the glass filler stones.  Well, this is the same concept -- but in beautiful jewel-colored shapes!

I first ran into it at Michael's in the form of acorns.  Oh, there were other options too -- but I fell for the acorns. At Michael's it was considered "Harvest Decorative Filler" and I found it in bags, hanging on the outskirts of the floral section.  I, of course, used my weekly 40% off coupon.

Then, I stumbled on it at Target in the dollar section.  Brown leaves and orange pumpkins.  It comes in clear plastic boxes, and is called "table scatter."  It's not a dollar, mind you, but it's cheaper than at Michael's.

I've used it around candles, and just in a jar set in a sunny spot.  It catches the light, and is so pretty.

If they offer this stuff at Christmas too?  I'm a goner.  Just sayin'.  Imagine the possibilities!

1 comment:

  1. I hadn't seen that befoer, but now I'll be on the lookout for it. Very cute. Sort of like sea glass with shapes.


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