
Friday, May 9, 2014

T.G.I.F. and Happy Mother's Day!

We're off on a little road trip this weekend -- a trip we've been looking forward to for a while now -- spending time with family, and FOUR of our FAVORITE GIRLS!  It's supposed to be pretty warm -- and rainy. Of course, that rain might be a little reprieve from just plain heat... or not.  Nothing like going from frosty nights to Geez Louise -- it's really hot out here!  I've had to totally rethink my packing list for the trip!

We will miss celebrating Mother's Day with my mom on our traditional "Second Sunday," but we have already rescheduled for next week, when we will celebrate Jill's birthday as well.

Our daughter is counting up the last days of school (18 + 2 exam days), and our son is counting up the last of his money (kidding, sort of) as he prepares to have some pothole damage repaired on his car.  There is never a dull moment around here.

My baby-rocking days are dropping off for the summer.  I just have a few more scheduled.  That means my days are freeing up, and I'm hoping to get back onto a regular schedule of blogging... or maybe I should clean the bathroom sink and shower.  [I'll think about it and get back to you.  *wink]

The grass is growing at an alarming rate because of all the rain we've had, and the weeds are doing a fine job of keeping up.  We're starting the season out right with some mulch for the gardens.  We tell ourselves we'll get some every year, and it somehow gets away from us.  It really is a fresh start after a hard winter.  We have a few plants that we don't think made it: a Hibiscus, and two Bougainvillea.

We planted some fun Fiber-Optic Grass [it looks just like a fiber-optic Christmas decoration!] a week or so ago, and as we were adding mulch around that garden recently, I noticed that the grass is cropped back in places.  It becomes tangled pretty easily, and I asked my hubby if he had to cut it back to untangle the three pots before he planted the grass.  He just looked at me and said, "Ummmm, noooo.  That would be the rabbits.  Apparently, they like it!"  Great.  Score another one for the bunnies.

As far as scheduling life, I'm already projecting out to June (VBS and vacation), July (daughter's ministry trip), and August (don't schedule me for anything!)

How about you?  Have you gone straight from Winter to Summer in your neck of the woods?  Did you lose any plants due to the harsh winter?  Is your summer calendar filling up?

1 comment:

  1. Yes, this week the heat came on didn't it. We ha the heat on and then it was was hot. I heard rain for the next 4 days. That will have the weeds and the grass taking over. hope to get some flowers planting soon. Happy Mothers Day.


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