
Thursday, May 15, 2014

Thursday Thoughts

We enjoyed an awesome weekend with our family, celebrating our niece's First Communion and May birthdays for her and two sisters -- as well as Mother's Day.  

We've been living a lot of busy-ness around here, and just trying to keep up.  I mentioned that my son's car needed some major repair, and while it's being worked on, I've been doing a little more of Mom's Taxi Service.  I am more than happy to do this, but the driving back and forth does have a way of eating up the day.

We did have torrential downpours the other night, and spent some time in the basement due to dangerous weather warnings -- with a bit of water added in the basement, just to keep things interesting.  Nothing too out of control -- but lots of scurrying to position towels and rugs to soak up the water, while moving larger pieces of carpet out of the way.  Then there's the matter of drying everything out to be used once again... you know, in between the bouts of rain.

Winter may have been especially long and seemingly unending, but spring... well, spring has been interesting so far -- to say the least.  This world of ours has been topsy-turvy and turned on it's ear lately, hasn't it?

This weekend will be a busy one, beginning with the Gravity Race Challenge that my daughter is participating in with a team from her school.  That will take up most of our Saturday, I suspect.  I'm looking forward to a rescheduled SECOND SUNDAY Mother's Day celebration with my side of the family this weekend, which will also include Jill's birthday celebration.

We are looking forward to the end of school around here!  What's up at your house?

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