
Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Shopping at Day's End

When my son was just a toddler, we used to head to Target when we needed (read: when Mommy needed) a little diversion.  He was a good little shopper, and it was a way for us to get out of the house.  That was back in the day when Target was new to our area, and I was just learning how to shop their clearance items.  His little toddler self would say, "What we're doin' Mom?"  and I'd tell him, "Shopping clearance, Clarence."  No... his name isn't Clarence.  It was just our little game.

Well, all these years later, I haven't tired of shopping clearance at Target.  But this past weekend, my hubby and daughter learned that shopping at day's end at the flea market can also get you some good deals!

On Saturday, I wasn't feeling great and so my hubby and daughter went off adventuring without me.  They came home with groceries, a plan for dinner (gotta love THAT!), and two new-to-me blue Ball jars with an extra glass lid (for a wired jar).  Just $3 for the two jars and extra lid.  People were closing up their booths, and ready to make some deals.  Hmmm, we might have to change the time we visit the flea market.  We used to head out bright and early, but I never thought of the deals being later in the day.

Guess I'll have to come up with a name for this "game" too.


Shop late, Kate!


  1. If there's anything that remains, Janes. (That's just sad... sorry!) Did you find that stamped spoon there, too?


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