
Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Hanging On By My Fingernails

Today is supposed to be a hot one.  Have I mentioned that it's still summer?  Yep, until September 22 when I will officially give way to fall.  Until then, I am still burning summer fragrances -- though this one might be more like stretching spring...  But you get my meaning.  The real-thing lilacs may be long gone, but the birds are singing like crazy, and we're not closing doors, locking windows, or battening down the hatches just yet.  Not only have I not broken out any fall fragrances yet... I haven't even purchased any.  So there, fall.

Let the lilacs reign supreme until the first day of autumn!

1 comment:

  1. I adore the scent of lilacs! No fall scents here yet either, LOL.


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