
Thursday, September 12, 2013

A "Sa-weeet" Sweet Potato Recipe

I mentioned that we visited my hubby's sister and her family on Labor Day weekend.  We had a fabulous visit, and ended up working on a dinner together.  We had delicious barbecued chicken, stir-fried asparagus, and sweet potato chips, along with some fresh veggies.  I think it was my hubby's idea to cut the potatoes up in slices, and then my sister-in-law remembered that she had an amazing "mandolin" type attachment for her KitchenAid mixer.  She attached it, and we started slicing those sweet potatoes.  I mean to tell you... it sliced them beautifully.  Nice and thin, too!

I decided to recreate the recipe at home today because it was so delicious I couldn't wait to do it again!  I didn't have a mandolin type gadget, so here's what I did:

INGREDIENTS: sweet potato(s), olive oil, freshly ground black pepper, sea salt.

1.  Preheat oven to 400F.
2.  Cover a cookie sheet with aluminum foil.
3.  Dice sweet potato(s) up into about 1/2" cubes & place on cookie sheet.

 4.  Sprinkle lightly with extra virgin olive oil, freshly ground black pepper, and sea salt.

5.  Bake for about 20-25 minutes or until they are done to your liking.  When you open the door to check on them, stir them around a little bit.  I let mine get a little brown & caramelized.  Yummy!

This is such a sweet & savory, deliciously simple side dish to make!

Difficulty Level: BEGINNER



  1. Yum! Love sweet potatoes any ole way but this way sounds great! Have to buy some. xo

  2. Oh even fussy me likes Sweet Potato Fries...hmmm...

  3. Yes please. :) Thanks for sharing and inspiring me to get off the gas station pizza band wagon.

    Happy day!


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