
Friday, September 20, 2013

Just Showing Off!

By far, the biggest show-off in our garden this year is a $5 mid-summer addition --this Purple Queen Bougainvillea!  Since we just planted it this summer, we didn't necessarily expect any big show of color, so we were really happy when we saw how quickly it adapted and thrived!  This baby can grow to 15' tall if supported. Next year, we will definitely need a trellis, as it will have the entire growing season in this spot, which obviously suits it just fine!

I love the color.  It's not really purple, and not quite fuchsia pink -- but somewhere in between.  The flower petals are veined, much like a leaf, and they are delicate, yet strong.  In fact, I haven't seen any blooms fail yet.

Interestingly enough, we also purchased a Bengal Orange Bougainvillea which has yet to see a flower -- and it's planted a mere two feet away from the purple one!  Go figure.  Though it's very healthy, it hasn't produced a bloom yet, so I'm anticipating a show next summer.

Are you enjoying any garden surprises as we head into fall?

Today's the last day to enter the giveaway HERE.
The winner will be revealed THIS SATURDAY, 9/21.

1 comment:

  1. That is a lovely plant! You can't beat the vibrant color!


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