
Thursday, September 19, 2013

Baby Steps in the Bathroom

Remember the day I was RAMBLING AND VENTING -- ummmm, a while back?  Come to think of it, let's not take note of the date on that post.

In that post, I told you that I had picked a beautiful peachy color called "Autumn Mist" for our family bathroom?  My family wasn't over-crazy about it.  But, I think the color has grown on them, and... we're not planning to paint it any time soon.

I have dragged my feet about everything else in that room because... well, re-doing a bathroom is not on the top of my list when it comes to re-do's.  It just doesn't excite me.  We all share one bathroom on the second floor of our house, and let's just say it is well-used.  So, while a re-do in blog-land often ends up looking like a spa, I know that ours just never will.  Hence, no motivation.  Everything in that room has stayed the same, or remained unfinished (like the light fixture).  Can you say blah?  Yep.  <HELP!>

But lately, shower curtains have been catching my eye.  I'm so ready to be done with a plain white shower liner, and ready to commit.  I know, I know.  It's about time, and today was the day.

So here's my "before" shot.  Painted walls.  Plain shower-curtain liner.

Before I show you the pretty "after" picture, let me tell you about the fabulous shower curtain rings that I found.  Now, I realize that since I haven't done a bathroom makeover in quite a while, that you all might have seen these before, but... they're still fabulous in my book!  Not only do they glide easily because of the beads along the top (yes, I have seen that type before), but also... they "load" a curtain from each side so that you don't have to play games getting the liner and decorative curtain on!  The curtain and liner just slip on right over those little beads.  How brilliant is that?  I think I heard angels singing when I found them!  (Overdramatic for shower curtain rings?  Perhaps.  Whatever.)

Here we go.  Liner on the back side...

And TAA-DAA!  Beautiful shower curtain on the front.  I have carried our "paint chip" around in my wallet for a while now, and today, it finally paid off!  Those colors match up like they were made for each other.  What was that?  Did I just hear angels singing again?  (Imagine how they will sing when I find the right curtains for our living-room windows!!)

I hope it won't be another.... ummmm, lengthy period of time before I show you the next update on this bathroom!  (Baby steps!!)

What a big difference a little shower curtain can make!

Shower curtain: "Coral Vine" by RE Room Essentials at Target
Shower Curtain Rings by Threshold at Target.

Pssssst..... Don't forget about my giveaway HERE.
The winner will be revealed THIS SATURDAY, 9/21.


  1. WOW! That shower curtain really is beautiful and does a LOT for your bathroom. Where did you find those rings? They are wonderful.

  2. Love the hooks and the curtain! Great selections!

  3. Oh my gosh that is so cute. I have never seen those shower curtain rings before and girl I NEED that. My kids are always yanking on the liner, pulling the little plastic holes open. Why did it take so long for someone to invent that? LOL (I always wonder that.) I am highly unmotivated by my bathrooms too. They have been painted of course.. but the light fixtures make me sad and the fact that I've got a giant space for a double sink but one dinky sink installed is pathetic. First world problems, right here let me tell ya. wow.

    Some hits of gray would be perfect in that bathroom by the way! Like a gray pot with a plant in it... or a gray bowl with soaps or a gray pedestal for jewelry or something. gray towels... I don't know. Just would look cute with that shower curtain!

  4. PS I do that to my friends houses too when they show me a partial project or redo... and they often just tell me to shut up. So you can too. LOL


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