
Monday, September 23, 2013

An Early Fall Drive

Okay.  It's fall.  I confess that I now have my fall decorating done.

Also (if you follow me on Facebook) you may have seen my conversation about skipping right over the frothy pumpkin coffee-drinks, and heading straight towards the all-things-peppermint section of the grocery store. {No, we don't really have one of those -- but how cool would THAT BE?}

We took a drive this weekend, and enjoyed all of the farm-y views.  Most of the trees are still very green around us, but the cornstalks are out-of-this-world beautiful, displaying a wide range of color -- completely breathtaking as we drove over hilltops, and looked down on the farmland.

None of these pictures really do it justice.  In the spots where I could've had a really good vantage point, there was usually too much traffic to pull over for a photo op.  Drat and double drat.

Many of the fields are freshly mowed, and you see giant circular hay bales like this -- or long white wrapped tubes of hay that stretch across the fields.  Do you know the difference between hay and straw?  Hay is food for the farm animals.  Straw on the other hand, has no nutritional value, and can be used as a mulch in the garden. Don't be too impressed.  I'm just a city girl who looked up the answer!

As I was taking this shot (above) my hubby rolled down the window and said something like, "Hey girls -- we'll let you know if this photo makes it into a future blog-post."  <Great.  Now I've got calls to make!>

Did you have a good weekend?
What does fall look like so far in your neck of the woods?


  1. My fall looks so much like your fall, hah.

  2. Very pretty farmland views. It looks warmer in your corner than in mine.

  3. Haha, I think the cows forgot to smile for the camera! Drives in the county are so fun. Thanks for taking along on this one!


Thanks so much for taking the time to comment! I read each and every one, and truly enjoy "conversations" with you! ~Sally