
Monday, September 9, 2013

Summer is Winding Down

Whether I like it or not, it's true.  Summer is winding down.  We've had a bumper crop of Roma tomatoes over the past week from our few plants.  The sun is still hot, and the next few days promise warm temps according to the weatherman, so I'm hoping the "greenies" still on the vine will have time to ripen before a fall chill sets in.

I'm hanging on for dear life.  To summer that is.  Not one to pretend, I won't tell you that there is anything that indicates fall in our home.  Not yet.  Unless my computer screen is lit with Pinterest.  I mean, I am taking notes folks!  *wink

In the meantime, it's time to use up the ripe tomatoes.  I took some to Mom & Dad's the other day where Dad was glad to sample one like an apple.  I told him I'm not sure about the texture of these.  I don't believe my hubby has ever chosen Roma's before, and they aren't as enjoyable (to me) to eat as is.  I've read that they are better as a canning/sauce tomato.  Next year, we'll chose differently, I think -- since we don't do canning and homemade sauce around here.

In the meantime, I made some Black Bean Salsa -- one of our favorites.

Are things winding down in your garden?


  1. I had some Romas last year. I switched to Early Girls this year. The Early Girls are great for eating right over the sink.

  2. Still getting tomatoes but it looks very end of summer here. We have lots of green cherry and grape tomatoes and jalepenos Was a great year for tomatoes

  3. Indeed summer is winding down and we are seeing a slight change in our trees, but not the temps. yet. I am planning to do some decorating this week. roma are better for canning, but the rain ruined ours this summer, hopefully next year better luck. Thanks for sharing.


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