
Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Fall Decorating

I'm not an over the top seasonal decorator.  Since we try to watch our spending, I am always looking for items that might translate from one season to the next, so that I'm not breaking the bank for each new season.  In addition to that, I have been known to enforce a "no-spending" season.  A few years ago, we were saving up for a big trip, and I decided that I wasn't going to make any fall, winter, or Christmas purchases for our home. Sound extreme?  Well, it was easy on our budget -- helping us save money for the trip, and it also caused me to get creative with things that we already had on-hand.  I've never been one for a new "theme" every Christmas season -- so I was glad to stick with the old favorites.

This year, I did make a few new purchases -- but didn't break the bank.  The other day at the craft store, I bought the grapevine pumpkin (above), a canister of silk leaves (see them in the above photo under the large pumpkin -- and also below, wrapped around the candle.  Oh, right.  The other purchase was a narrow roll of burlap -- great for wrapping around that candle.  I still have a lot left that I'll be able to use down the road sometime. 

When I was a young newlywed, I thought that when people gifted me with nice things, I needed to find a place for them.  I sort of felt like I had to have everything out all the time.  I soon realized that's not realistic.

These family figurines are a perfect example.  I love them, and they represent our family perfectly.  That said, they've been packed away for a long time as new decor items have made their way into our home.  I came across them the other day, and decided it was time for them to see the light of day again.

No, they're not "seasonal" items -- but that's okay.  They are a sweet reminder of the importance of family -- and that's good all year round!

Do you have any non-seasonal decor items that you've added to the autumn mix around your house?

I'm waiting for a sunnier day to take some more pictures around here.  It's been kind of dreary lately with lots of clouds in the sky.  The sun seems to come out only when I'm away from home -- which... is not a complaint, just a statement of fact.

Hopefully, I'll have a few more pictures to share tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. I love your decor. I never seem to have money to by decorations other than Christmas. I should really go on a hunt for inexpensive Fall decor. I love Fall!


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