
Friday, September 13, 2013

The Story of a Lamp

I wonder if you have any crazy shopping habits like I do?  Have you ever spotted something that you really liked, but:

  • you weren't willing to pay the price?
  • you weren't exactly sure where you would use/put it?
  • it wasn't exactly the right color?

I give you Exhibit A:

Exhibit A

I've been loving this lamp ever since I first saw it in the Target sale paper.  Well, I use the term "sale" loosely, because it wasn't on sale at all.  They were simply advertising it with a new line of home goods.  I like the lines. I like the shade -- but, not sure where I would use it (because it's color doesn't really go anywhere in our house), I wasn't willing to pay the price.

So, instead of purchasing it, I just visited it faithfully every time I shopped at Target.  Well, okay -- not EVERY time.  But often.  I was determined to catch it on sale, making it's purchase worthwhile.  I know -- some kind of reasoning right?

Well, recently the little teeny-tiny lamp on my dresser [no picture] has been driving me crazy, and I've been thinking about what I could rotate there from our vast(not) array of lamps around the house to replace it.  The lamp is just there because it has been passed from room to room since we set up my son's nursery (ahem) a few years ago.  {Do you love how I prioritize the decorating of my(our) bedroom?  We take our hand-me-downs from the kids' rooms.  Go ahead.  Roll your eyes.}  Anyways, though we don't love the lamp any more, we have learned to appreciate a lamp in this particular spot.

So, imagine my delight when I spotted "my" lamp and other home goods in the Target paper for this week... ON CLEARANCE!  Yahoo.  I decided to run over to see what kind of deals they had.

When I got to the store, I found... not the lamp with the pretty peach floral shade, but the same lamp with a beautiful greens-and-golds shade in the same print.  Did I mention that our bedroom walls are green?
-- specifically a gray-green called "Gentle Pasture."

Valspar 6003-4A "Gentle Pasture"

Trust me when I tell you that this "paint chip" doesn't do the color justice.  It looks much nicer in our room, and it picks up shades of green from our bedding.

I'm tickled with my clearance purchase -- and it ended up being a much better "match" than I could've imagined when I first spotted that peachy-floral shaded lamp!  Next to the sweet shade, I love the little pull-chain best!

Moral of the story: good things come to those who wait.

Interesting lamp stories seem to run in the family this week, I guess.
Check out what Jill found!


  1. No, YOUR the best! ;) Love the lamp! At first I thought my eyes were deceiving me abut the color until I read on.

  2. It is lovely AND it goes with your bedroom colors brilliantly!


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