
Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Note Card Party 7.17

This is a busy week as we prepare for our son's graduation party over the weekend.  Luckily, I had my note card entries ready for Vee's party today!  I don't know how much more I'll be posting the rest of the week, but don't worry note card friends -- I'll be checking out your note cards as I get the chance!

We're in the middle of a near heat-wave.  (I heard the weatherman say 3 days over 90 degrees is officially a heat wave -- and I don't know if we've actually met those requirements.)  I'm not usually a FAN (pun intended) of this kind of weather but I confess, I will take heat over rain at this point.  Lots of people are coming for the party, and I have room for food or people in my house, but not both.  Praying for a great day on Saturday, and trusting.

Don't forget -- as always -- you can click on the photo to take you to the original post.


  1. Nice flowers! Would all make good note cards!

  2. Oh lovely, lovely... You sure do know how to take a flower's photo. All the best with the party!

  3. Pretty note cards, I like the pink against the blue of the canning jar.

  4. Your photos are always a visual treat, Sally...and these are no exception! Like Lavender Cottage, I love the pink and blue contrast in the first picture.

  5. It would be difficult to choose a favorite. The yellow sure is pretty. Have a great day.

  6. Beautiful pictures, Sally! My favorite is the flowers in the jar.


  7. Beautiful, Sally!

    I really like each one! The color of those last flowers is amazing and I also adore the blue canning jars, and love to put flowers in ours.

    Great choices!

    Have a wonderful party!


  8. Your pictures are always a treat to look at. You take such marvelous shots. The first one is my favorite. Flowers in Mason jars are so pretty!

  9. Just beautiful! I like to pick a favorite from each set, and my favorite of these is the third one down. The details in those leaves is really beautiful. It looks like scrollwork?

  10. Such lovely images! May the sun shine on your celebrations but not be too hot!!

  11. Your photos are always so sharp and clear! Very pretty selection for note cards! Enjoy your day my friend!

  12. Lovely photos, and I still can't bear to send out my set of your lovely note cards! Have a great party and congrats to the Grad! xo

  13. These are gorgeous, they would make a great set of note cards, love them all

  14. Beautiful images that would make great note cards. I love the pink one in the blue jar. Such soft colors.
    Hope the rain stops and the sun shines for your son's graduation party!

  15. Sally, these are very pretty photos and notecards. A very nice selection. I love the pink one!

  16. Well done!! These are just beautiful, especially the last two.

  17. Such pretty photos! I don't know what the last two are but I like the texture of the leaves and the color!
    Happy July.......a busy time for everyone but nice to see so many of us posted this month anyway!

  18. You take awesome garden photos - those flowers are beautiful!

  19. I'm sorry that I'm arriving a bit late! It's taking me a while to make all of the rounds. These are lovely, Sally, and I simply adore that first one. The simplicity of the composition and colors are stunning! We're having a heat wave here too, but at least the dreadful rain, rain, rain has been bothering someone else now, LOL.


Thanks so much for taking the time to comment! I read each and every one, and truly enjoy "conversations" with you! ~Sally