
Monday, June 3, 2013

Kicking Back and Celebrating!

Friday was graduation.  On Saturday, we enjoyed a lazy morning around the house, and then decided to drive an hour north to an IMAX theater to see Star Trek Into Darkness (3D).  The kids had never been to an IMAX theater, and my hubby and I had never been to an IMAX feature-length film.  So, it was an adventure for all!

The theater was in a very beautiful shopping area, and we ended up finding a great little restaurant (Michael Symon's "B Spot") for a late lunch/early dinner.  We were in a great spot for walking and window-shopping, so that's what we did to work off our dinner.  It was a wonderful, fun, no-pressure, really low-key day for our family.

Big dark clouds rolled by all day long, and the threat of rain was there.  But in between the clouds were beautiful blue skies and sunshine, so we didn't really feel all that threatened.  The dark clouds added just the right touch of drama to an otherwise drama-free day.

You know those days when everyone is in a good mood, and things go according to plan, and everyone is happy about the way things are going, and everyone stays in a good mood, and...
well, you get the idea.  Yep.  It was that kind of day.

Exactly what we all needed after a big "finale" week!

{It was such a great day that these two didn't even "photo-bomb" my pictures.  If you know anything about our family, you know this is a huge-big-deal!}


  1. Congratulations on your son's graduation Sally! Big milestone. Sounds like fun celebrations!


  2. Sounds wonderful! No critique on the IMaxx or the movie?


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