
Tuesday, June 4, 2013

What's Up? (A Colorful Weekend!)

We were gone a good part of the day on Saturday, and when we returned home (late afternoon), we found some surprises in the yard!

The roses were open!

Delphinium that looked like this just the day before,

now looked like this.  I love their beautiful iridescent purple-blue!

Daylilies for today and tomorrow and the next day!

We've been watching the Poppy buds, too.  On Saturday, one looked like this...

... and on Sunday, three of them were open!

It was a colorful weekend around here!
What's up at your house?


  1. Hi Sally,
    Thank you for that book recommendation - sounds like it is right up my alley! Your garden flowers are so vibrant! I planted poppies {Lauren's Grape}... crossing my fingers they'll show up; I do see some sprouts now.
    Lara from Air Kissed

  2. Your flowers are beautiful, and so is the photography!!!

  3. Oooh, beautiful!!! I love your delphiniums. I keep trying to grow them and I haven't been able to. I'm going to try again, though. Too pretty! ~Angela~

  4. Don't you just love this time of your year? The yard bursting open with color, the days lengthening, the nights warming up. Here is what is in my yard right now:


Thanks so much for taking the time to comment! I read each and every one, and truly enjoy "conversations" with you! ~Sally