
Saturday, March 30, 2013

Happy Easter!

Do you have big plans for Easter Sunday?  My parents have invited us for lunch after church -- and I'll be taking an awesome potato casserole to share.  (It's a recipe from a Minnesota cousin -- perhaps I'll share it with you sometime.)  <<<UPDATE: recipe shared HERE!>>>  We'll enjoy a great time with family, no doubt -- but I can already tell you what the best part of the day will be: having our security guard with us.  He works almost a forty-hour week, and misses most dinner meals with us.  We have learned to make the best of it -- but I can't tell you how glad I was when he mentioned that the mall was closed on Easter Sunday.  At long last... his place won't be empty at the dinner table!

I know my mom was especially happy when I told her too.  When we believed he'd be working, she tried to hide her disappointment -- but she was just making the best of it, as we've learned to do. When I e-mailed her a quick note to tell her the mall was indeed closed, she said she was HAPPY, and I knew she really meant it because she enlarged her FONT -- something I've never known her to do in an e-mail before!

Yep.  That's the way we feel when all of the ducks and ducklings (it doesn't matter which generation) are all lined up in a row.  Complete.  Whole.  Blessed.

I hope that Easter Sunday will be that kind of day for you too, my friends.

Happy Easter!  He is risen!

1 comment:

  1. So glad the mall is closed, everyone deserves a day of rest, especially on a holiday. I love this bunny cake. Have a very happy Easter. xo


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