
Friday, September 28, 2012

Fall Friday Flower Fun

Over the past few weekends, I've gotten some interesting flower-shots, both downtown and around town at various garden centers.  When I run out of things to take pictures of in our yard, the garden center is a great place to head!

Have a great weekend!

See the fingerprints of God?  Today, I'm linking up with Beki @ The Rusted Chain for Fingerprint Friday.


  1. That last red one - is it a hibiscus? That one looks like a trumpet shot out of the center to blow a beautiful yellow melody! Thanks for sharing these. They're gorgeous.

    1. I believe it is a hibiscus Deb! Isn't it beautiful? Thanks for stopping by.

  2. Hi! I found you in the Google+ blog hop and I'm a new follower :)

    I hope you can visit my giveaway here:


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