
Wednesday, October 24, 2012

A Radical Intervention

Very early in the season, I bought a heavy felt place-mat   Just one.  Perhaps you've noticed it here and there in my photos?  My plan was to use it on the kitchen table under a candle or some type of centerpiece.  This wasn't just any ordinary place-mat  though.  Perhaps you've see them?  The laser-cut place mats in various shapes and sizes...?  This particular one is round with a beautiful leaf pattern all the way around.  It's very pretty -- which is why it caught my eye.

 hidden underneath

So, for weeks, it's been on and off of our kitchen table, under various decorations.  Hidden.  Driving me a little crazy.

#1 - because at meal time, I always want to move it away, so it doesn't get food spills on it (I'm pretty sure washing it would mean certain death)
#2 - because it's beauty is hidden when it's underneath things, and shuffled around

pretty, but... sometimes in the way

And so, I did something radical.  RADICAL, I tell ya!

I hung it on the wall... behind one of my favorite word-plaques.  And now, when I walk by, I smile -- because it's not in the way anymore, and it's not hidden away anymore, and it's not going to get messed up, and I can see the beautiful laser-cut pattern of leaves.  Right on my wall.

Call me crazy.  The end.

I'm joining up with Sandi @ Rose Chintz Cottage for "HOME."

Today, I am thankful for:
1. My sweet hubby, who has been working long days... for his strong work ethic, and his unwavering commitment to supporting our family.
2. My daughter's "stick-to-it" attitude with her school work even in the midst of uncomfortable back issues.  She is rockin' her first year of public school!

Thought: (spotted on Pinterest) Be thankful for the bad things in life, for they open your eyes to the good things you weren't paying attention to before. 


  1. I know I already said I'm thankful for my husband, but today I am thankful that he's almost HOME!! Yeah!!!!!

  2. Hello Sally,
    What a wonderful post filled with some creative inspiration and food for thought! Love what you did with the pretty place mat. If you read my post then you know I'm loving my hubby. He is just the best and the Lord made him just for me! I know I am blessed! Thank you for sharing and linking up for my HOME party and enjoy the rest of your week. I am your newest follower.


  3. Hi Sally,
    What a beautiful post! A grateful heart is good medicine! Thanks for sharing. Have a wonderful week.


Thanks so much for taking the time to comment! I read each and every one, and truly enjoy "conversations" with you! ~Sally