
Thursday, October 25, 2012

Art Class ~ First Quarter

(sing to the tune of the first line of "The Twelve Days of Christmas")

After four weeks of Art Class, my sweet girl brought to me...

 Sketched items from nature, gathered from our backyard.

After eight weeks of Art Class, my sweet girl brought to me...

A fabulous watercolors painting, using a plastic bag technique...

Today, I am thankful for...
1. time spent scrapbooking with my mom yesterday
2. the sound of birds congregating in the trees
3. sunshine glowing through golden leaves

Thought: What if you woke up today with only the things you thanked God for yesterday?


  1. I LOVE that watercolor! You should mat and frame that one! Beautiful work "sweet girl!"
    Today I am thankful for one last taste of Summer before the snow flies (literally, if the forecasters are right.)

  2. Wow, she's really talented. Love the watercolor.


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