
Tuesday, October 23, 2012

From the Ridiculous to the Sublime

Well, I promised I'd share some bargains from last weekend.  One of our stops was Tractor Supply.


Who knows!?

I've learned to keep my mouth shut, and follow my husband.  On occasion, there's something that he wants to show me.  Other times, he just wants to stop in...  Often, his stops are NOT ANYWHERE that I would just stop in.  And so... I always learn new things when I let him take the lead.

Yes - so Tractor Supply.  And what did we find?  Two great chairs for the patio @ $9.99 each, marked down from $29.99.  The seat is a bit higher than the Adirondack style chairs that we've had in recent years, and they'll be a great addition to our patio.  Since they are heavier duty, I won't have to worry about them blowing across the patio on blustery days.  But, because they are stackable, the paint has worn off a little in spots where the chairs rub together.  I think I will repaint them in the spring and start fresh!  (SUBLIME)  There was a little cafe table that went with them, but we weren't willing to pay the $19.99 (cheap, cheap).  We'll keep our eye on it to see if it gets marked down now that it has no chairs to accompany it.

Then, we were off to K-mart.  I'd mentioned that we needed new bed pillows, and my sweet hubby knew they were on sale there.  {My man is a wealth of information!}  We found our pillows -- oh yes, we did.  I'm kind of a flat pillow kind of gal -- so it was hard to know if I would be happy with a new poofy pillow.  Also-- it's not easy to test them in the store, you know?  Fast forward to Sunday morning, when I overslept because I was so darn comfy on my new pillow.  I think it's a keeper!  (SUBLIME)  P.S. I am totally using this Pinterest idea with our new pillows!

And on our way to the check-out...  spell check on aisle two!  We passed a sale cart with this sign:

and there were three bags.  My hubby grabbed my sleeve before I could get too far ahead of him.  "Look at this price!" he said to me with his eyes.  I smirked.  "How many should I take?"  My eyes said back to him.  Silly girl, I am.  He wanted all three bags.  We kind of have a thing with marshmallows and hot chocolate at our house.  And the "thing" is... we only buy sugar-free hot chocolate, and cheap, cheap, cheap marshmallows at the grocery outlet (or now, apparently K-Mart).  So 31 cents?  What, are you kidding me?  We couldn't pass that up.  These things are huge.  You eat one, and say, "Yep, I'm good until tomorrow!"  H-U-G-E, I tell ya!  (RIDICULOUS)  I teasingly said that for 31 cents, I'd take the kitchen scissors, and cut up my own mini-marshmallows!

I know what you're thinking.  I didn't go from the ridiculous to the sublime.  I went from the SUBLIME to the RIDICULOUS.  Oh well, you get my point.

Today, I am thankful for...
1. knowing when to be a follower
2. bargains
3. the changing leaves
4. a warm-up this week

Thought: (spotted on Pinterest) It is not happy people who are thankful; it is thankful people who are happy.

1 comment:

  1. Yikes that is one HUGE marshmAllow!! It's bigger than the pumpkin! LOVE the chairs...and the deals!
    Today I am thankful for the sweet ladies who take my boys to school. Even when we've had a hectic morning, they are always so kind and positive.


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