
Wednesday, October 17, 2012

A Note Card Party 10.17

If you were going to create a set of (4) notecards using only photos from your blog, what photos would you choose?  This is the question posed to us by Vee, the host of the party I'm linking to today.  I've linked up before, so you can see my first set of notecards HERE, and my second set HERE.  Last time, I went all floral.  This time is more of a mix.  I hope you like the ones I chose!  Clicking on the photos will take you to their original posts.

A Haven for Vee


  1. Sally,you're such a treat to read!! My i vote for the raspberry, it's great... love Donna

  2. gorgeous views. i love those clouds. the beach scene is amazing. wow!! enjoy your fall!! (:

  3. Just lovely! Crisp and clear...great eye you have! Yes, I really do like them a lot. Thanks for joining in this month!

  4. Sally,
    These are gorgeous!!
    Thanks for stopping by Hospitality Lane.

  5. Oh wow, Sally, these are great!! I love them all, but my favorites are the last two. I love the ocean fence and the little white church. These are perfect for note cards.

    Have a wonderful day!


  6. Beautiful pictures! I especially love the second picture. That's one to frame!

  7. These are all wonderful photos! Great closeup of the I see a face?
    Happy Fall!

  8. Wonderful set of cards, Sally! I especially love, love the little white church with the white fence around it. I scrolled through your past posts and just enjoyed your photos so much. And really like your blog name!

  9. I love each of these cards for different reasons but the one of the raspberry on the plate is really artistic. I would love to be on the beach in the third photo. Beautiful notecards! Thanks so much for visiting and leaving your comment. Blessings, Pamela

  10. They are all so pretty and I like how you linked them back to the original post. I need to figure out how to do that. I was especially drawn to your photo of the white church and beautiful blue sky filled with those soft, billowy white clouds. So pretty and peaceful.

  11. Hello Sally
    I love your images too and they all make lovely Note Cards.
    How nice to meet you through Vee's Note Card Party - what a nice group of friendly people you are. I will get together a more structured group of four photos next time - I hadn't found the rule sheet, but Vee has been very gracious allowing my jumbled post!

    I've become your newest follower and look forward to catching up with you soon.

    Shane♥ - in New Zealand - far, far away!!!!
    Thank you so much for visiting and leaving me a comment.

  12. Great pics! Love that I can see the fuzz on the flower in the first one and the pure crispness of the church in the last one:@)

  13. What a nice selections of photos! Each so different. Flowers to a raspberry to the beach to a church ... all lovely!

  14. These are gorgeous photos! I always love scenes of the ocean the very best! Happy Fall!

  15. Each of those is just wonderful...I really like the raspberry on the plate

  16. Hi Sally! So glad you stopped by my place at The Writer's Reverie to catch my note cards this month. I LOVE what you've captured here - that raspberry is amazing!! And, as I have scrolled through your previous posts, I am rolling is so much autumn joy of the season - so festive where you live with all the pumpkins and fall fun! True Americana! Be following ya!

    1. Thanks for stopping by Kathryn! That raspberry seems to be a favorite. Joy to you!

  17. Sally,

    These are just stunning photos! I really love your gorgeous flower and that delicious looking raspberry. I can't really pick a favorite - they are all notecard worthy.

  18. This is my first time participating in this and I wondered if we were supposed to link our pictures to our posts. I thought about it, but I have over 1,000 posts so it would really be time consuming. It took me long enough to just choose the four pictures I know I posted somewhere before!

    1. I know what you mean. It's not difficult to link, but it IS time-consuming. I found my pics my scrolling through my posts anyways, so I just noted the date/post title, and it was easy to go back and grab the link.
      Vee's "rules" here: don't say to link your photos to their original post. I think I just read that as a suggestion somewhere one time.


Thanks so much for taking the time to comment! I read each and every one, and truly enjoy "conversations" with you! ~Sally