
Monday, December 5, 2011

All Recipes

Recipes have been really popular lately on my blog -- especially the Holiday Cheese Ball and the Pumpkin Roll.  I guess people are gearing up for the Christmas Season with all the baking, dish-taking, and merry-making that is involved.  So, I thought I would do a little round-up of sorts, and categorize all of the recipes that I've shared so far on the blog.  I re-tagged all of my recipe posts (can you say lazy Sunday afternoon?) to reflect what category they fit in -- so that you don't have to browse through so many recipes before finding what you're looking for.

NOW, this is what you'll see to the left in the "Categories" section.

recipes-appetizers (2)
recipes-breakfast (7)
recipes-casserole (2)
recipes-cookies (1)
recipes-dessert (6)
recipes-main dish (3)
recipes-salad (3)
recipes-side dish (2)
recipes-soup (3)
recipes-treats (1)

I hope this will be helpful.  After sharing THIRTY recipes, I'm hoping it'll keep ME sane and save some time along the way.

Sane?  More time?  Yeah, you're right.  Probably not gonna happen.

Hey, a girl can dream.

Merry Merry!


  1. I'll be checking some of your recipes out! I love to bake and cook and so does my 8yo girl. We live in our kitchen!


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