
Thursday, October 30, 2014

My Gallery Wall (I did it MY way) ~ and a discount link!

I really fly by the seat of my pants on so many levels in life, and this project was no exception.

For a long time, I've been thinking about doing a gallery wall, and finally I felt that I had procrastinated long enough.  For about a month or longer [okay, longer], I have had a pile of goodies collected for a gallery wall in our kitchen.  Recently, our daughter has been big into painting canvases, and between that and a few other goodies that I've collected, I knew that a gallery wall was the way to go.  We have a long wall behind our kitchen table that was screaming for some attention, but...

Here's the thing: the reason I've been procrastinating is because of all of those wonderful and helpful "how-to" posts about creating a gallery wall.  You know?  The ones with rulers and protractors and snapped chalk lines? -- well, okay -- maybe not protractors and chalk lines.  But who was I kidding, people?  I didn't even bring a ruler to this party!  I am just not that girl.  I finally came to the conclusion that I just had to GO FOR IT, and do it MY way.

So the other day at 3:37PM in the middle of nothing in particular and everything in general [and when I should've been thinking about what I would serve for dinner], I felt inspired enough to lay all of the items down on the living-room floor, and come up with a lay-out plan.  I took a picture, knowing that I would never get it right otherwise.  And then, I took my camera to the kitchen table, and using it as a guide, I pushed pins and hung pictures.  I was finished by about 4:03PM.

And guess what?  It wasn't perfect.

And another thing?  There are lots of holes behind these pictures that you cannot see.  [Get it?  You CANNOT see them.]

So, here's my technique: push those pins until the picture hangs right.  [Go ahead.  Take a minute to "pin" that lengthy tutorial (as in: on Pinterest)- LOL.]  Say what you want -- but I couldn't help but think that MYQUILLYN would be proud of my gallery wall.  I know SASHA liked it -- because she told me so (and that's her SWEET PUMPKIN PRINT by the way!)

The SPATTER-ART and the city-scape are courtesy of my daughter, as is THE POEM.

Recognize the blue daisies?  You may have seen them HERE.

The other items were here-and-there purchases.

Anyway... bottom line?  I did it MY way (please sing while you read that, as it was meant to be SUNG, and not said with nasty emphasis.) *wink

Here's the lesson I learned.  Don't procrastinate about doing something that you really want to do because you can't imagine getting it done with the instructions/suggestions you received from others.  Just go for it.  Get it done.  Do it YOUR way.

Because, guess what?  I don't have a pile of pictures sitting on my living-room floor any more.  And... my kitchen wall is no longer empty!  Also?  I love what is now filling that wall.

I'd call that SUCCESS!!

Now... I just have to get that standing-on-the-bed picture-hanging project done in our bedroom.  Stay tuned!

By the way, if you'd like to get a canvas of your favorite photograph [like I did with my blue daisy], CLICK HERE to get $25 off your purchase!!!

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

"MUMS" the Word!

One of our favorite fall adventures is the annual Mum Fest at Lake Anna in Barberton, Ohio.  It falls on or around the weekend near our anniversary each year -- so depending on the activities of the weekend, we try to attend.  We used to take the kids when they were younger, as there are a lot of kid-friendly activities there.  This year, though, my hubby and I went alone -- and strolled around the lake enjoying an unseasonably warm and sunny day.  It was perfection.

There is a gazebo for bands and vocal groups, inflatable activities and face-painting for kids, food vendors, a sand sculptor, an ice carver, a water-ski show, many craft booths, and a hillside devoted to more colors than you can imagine of mums.

A beautiful arch of mums is created each year as a spot for a photo opportunity.

In addition to all of the mums on display, there is a gated area that you can enter in order to purchase mums.  There is a ticketed holding area for your purchased mums if you still are wanting to walk around without carrying them.

The 10-acre lake sits in the middle of a 21-acre park, and all of the original Barberton streets radiate out from the lake/park.  It's really a beautiful and peaceful setting, and is a special adventure for us each and every time.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Upcycling a B&BW Candle Lid

Okay, bear with me here... you're either going to think I'm brilliant, or that this is the stupidest thing you've ever seen.  Either way, it might be the simplest thing you've ever seen!

You know those pretty candle-lids you see on the B&BW 3-wick candles?  Oh... I know, some of them just have the store name on them.  But then, there are others... like these...

... and I got to thinking that surely there must be SOMEthing that can be done with these.  Sure, they can be used to cover the candle when not in use.  They can also be used as coasters underneath the warm candle -- or drink coasters, if you'd prefer.

But how about... wall art?  I'm tellin' ya, people.  This could very well be the simplest thing I've done all day... or all week, even.

1. Insert push pin at approximate level for hanging.
2. Hang lid.
3. Stand back and be amazed.

Or don't even do step three, thereby shortening the entire process!  *wink

but if you have the time...

3. Stand back and be amazed.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Lunch with a Friend

Lunch with a friend... isn't what it used to be.

When my kids were really young, we used to meet regularly with another friend and her two children for lunch.  We never went out... but took turns coming to one another's homes, so that the kids didn't have to sit still while we talked, but had a chance to play.

Then the kids got older, and hers went to school.  My [homeschooled] kids spent each Thursday with my parents -- "Grandma & Grandpa Day," we called it.  That was my day to run errands and make plans.  That meant getting out of the house, and meeting my friend at a restaurant for lunch.  At that point in our lives it always felt like a big splurge.

These days, it's harder to catch up with friends at the lunch hour.  Most of them are working 40 hour weeks, or at least a part-time job that keeps them on the go. The stay-at-home-mom of my era is a dying breed [so to speak].  This isn't a pity party, mind you.  It's only an observation of how things have changed.

But, the other day, I had the rare treat of inviting a friend over for lunch -- a mom who has taken a hiatus from her job for the time being, or permanently, or whatever she and the Lord decide.

I was reminded just how important that time to connect with other women is.  Time for JUST GIRLS.  Girl talk.  We laughed.  We teared up at love for our family.  We spent time getting to know one another.  What a blessing!

If you are at home, wishing you could "connect" with other women, take the first step.

Invite a friend to lunch today!

Monday, October 6, 2014

Project Life Update ~ 10.6.14

Whew!  Where has the time gone?  So much for doing a weekly Project Life update, right?  I promise not to make any more promises on that front!  LOL

In some kind of convoluted way, this first album which I've shared with you (concluding with this post) is really my second album, chronologically speaking.  I also have completed an album which reaches back further than this one.  I may share bits and pieces of that one randomly with you -- but basically, my plan going forward is to share in exactly that way... moving forward!

Here we go with the next series of pages which, as I said, brings us up to date.  I have a handful of recent pictures to print, but I am happy to say that they are all from the last few weeks, so I REALLY AM current!  WooHoo to the Project Life.  This is revolutionary stuff.

Here we go:
My first trip to IKEA

A popcorn adventure in a local college town

 One of my favs, this layout is for our church's 80th anniversary celebration, and the installation of our new pastor!  It was a stellar day in the life and history of our church -- quite the celebration, complete with picnic and foam machine, painted faces and photo opps!  "One happy day" indeed!!  It was fun to include a lot of the grayscale ephemera from the day, which matched up nicely with cards from the "Christian" themed kit.

Goodbyes :: A new school year :: A trip to a local nursery

 A Cleveland picture-taking adventure

And the last page for this album... where I snuck in a picture of my girl and her bestie -- in Cleveland for a concert (her first, and yes, parent-chaperoned!)

If you hung in here until the end, here is your reward...

This month, Becky Higgins celebrates FIVE YEARS of her Project Life business endeavor!  In celebration, she is partying it up this month.  Just last week, she started the celebration with 40% off everything in her SHOP for FIVE hours.  I stocked up on the big packs of pocket pages, which have been hard for me to find around here.  Stay tuned to Becky Higgins on social media for other special offers during the rest of this month.  You will find her on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, not to mention her BLOG.

Happy Scrappin'!