
Tuesday, October 21, 2014

"MUMS" the Word!

One of our favorite fall adventures is the annual Mum Fest at Lake Anna in Barberton, Ohio.  It falls on or around the weekend near our anniversary each year -- so depending on the activities of the weekend, we try to attend.  We used to take the kids when they were younger, as there are a lot of kid-friendly activities there.  This year, though, my hubby and I went alone -- and strolled around the lake enjoying an unseasonably warm and sunny day.  It was perfection.

There is a gazebo for bands and vocal groups, inflatable activities and face-painting for kids, food vendors, a sand sculptor, an ice carver, a water-ski show, many craft booths, and a hillside devoted to more colors than you can imagine of mums.

A beautiful arch of mums is created each year as a spot for a photo opportunity.

In addition to all of the mums on display, there is a gated area that you can enter in order to purchase mums.  There is a ticketed holding area for your purchased mums if you still are wanting to walk around without carrying them.

The 10-acre lake sits in the middle of a 21-acre park, and all of the original Barberton streets radiate out from the lake/park.  It's really a beautiful and peaceful setting, and is a special adventure for us each and every time.


  1. Hi Sally! I don't think I have ever seen so many different colors of mums. That is the kind of activity that I like to do myself....It looks like a beautiful place to spend the day! :)

  2. My goodness, that's a lot of mums!! What a colorful festival!! :)


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