
Thursday, July 10, 2014

This Week In My Kitchen ~ 7.10.14

:: Capturing my love of food, combined with the activity of a bustling kitchen.
A weekly collection of photos from the heart of our home. ::

Joining Heather for:
[click photo to join blog hop]

Dinner: Taco Chicken, roasted red potatoes, and spinach.

 Itsy bitsy wild strawberries.  Perfectly tiny.  Sour.

More snackin' fun, on sale this week!

Cooking root veggies in foil has been my "go-to" technique since my mom served them that way Memorial Day weekend fresh off the grill.  I've been doing them on the grill and in the oven...
this time, just sweet potatoes with olive oil, sea salt, and freshly ground black pepper.  This is one of my favorite combos, and they are melt-in-your-mouth-tender done this way!

Pumpkin waffles...

from my favorite recipe, HERE.

Lunch.  This 5-ingredient salad has unbeLIEVable flavor!

Hope you're all having a great week.  I can't wait to see what all of you are up to this week!


  1. These all look delicious! And thank you so much for "introducing" me to the cool-looking My Recipe Magic!

  2. It all looks wonderful. I had not even THOUGHT about roasting root veggies on the grill--you might have just saved my summer!

    1. I just make a pocket with the foil. They really seem to cook well this way, and I think the captured steam keeps them from burning. Makes my mouth water just thinking about it!

  3. What crinkle cutter do you use? Looks so fun!

    1. Hi Amanda! I use a crinkle cutter from Pampered Chef similar to this updated version:


Thanks so much for taking the time to comment! I read each and every one, and truly enjoy "conversations" with you! ~Sally