
Monday, May 19, 2014

Thank You, and Taco Salad

Thank you for your kindness and encouraging words regarding THIS POST.  Judging by the comments I received both here and via other social media -- you get me.  It seems many of us are suffering from the blues. That in and of itself is a comfort to me because it lets me know that I'm not the only one that this year's crazy winter and spring has affected.  In other words, all the "crazy" hasn't made me... CRAZY.

So, Happy Monday.  It's a new week, and I'm rarin' to go.

Our family enjoyed a wonderful delayed Second Sunday that encompassed Mother's Day, and Jill's birthday.  Everyone came to our house, and I served a Taco Salad buffet.  Jill brought some ingredients to contribute, and Mom made the dessert: birthday cake.

The very simple buffet included:
  • mixed greens (bags of salad, and a bag of baby spinach to mix in)
  • taco-seasoned beef
  • salsa
  • taco sauce
  • shredded cheese
  • diced tomato
  • tortilla chips

We had enough pink lemonade (we usually stick to one or two sugar-free beverages for Second Sunday) for our "crowd" of 11, and coffee and tea to go with the birthday cake and ice cream.

This was a great after-church meal to pull together after a busy Saturday.  I set the tables when I got home from church, and then, all I had to do was re-heat the meat mixture I'd made the night before, dice the tomatoes, and put everything else in serving dishes.  My son made the lemonade and got extra chairs out for me.  I was glad he was around for a few last minute bits of help.

Hope you had a great weekend.  I've got more to share about our weekend later this week.  Stay tuned!


  1. A beautiful Second Sunday you had, I love family get togethers, thanks for sharing.
    have a wonderful week Sally.

  2. That is a cheery table with happy food for a meal.This is the second time I have read about taco salad so I think I must do something about that!


Thanks so much for taking the time to comment! I read each and every one, and truly enjoy "conversations" with you! ~Sally