
Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Inquiring Minds Want to Know (Survey Answers & Linky)

Before we get to the Thanksgiving traditions survey, let's do the the "gratefuls" so they don't get forgotten, and because I'm really trying to be faithful to this project, and to stay in the right frame of mind for Thanksgiving!

'13 Gratefulness
* grateful for a hard-working hubby
* grateful for a super-productive day yesterday
* grateful for my washer and dryer (it wasn't so long ago that my dryer wasn't working)
* grateful for our cozy home
* grateful that somebody got up when the alarm when off

Hello Friends.  Today is our Thanksgiving Tradition linky party -- and I told you I'd have the WELCOME mat out!  I can't wait to hear about the sights, sounds, SMELLS, and events of Thanksgiving at your house!  Here's a LINK to the original questions, and now... here's an idea of what goes on at our house.

 1. Where do we celebrate?  Thanksgiving has been ever-changing and evolving over the last several years in our family.  To try to ease some of the burden on our moms who were working so hard (and also hosted Christmas!), my hubby and I decided to have an open house for both sides of the family.  We asked everyone to bring a dish -- and it was pretty laid back.  We did that for three or four years, with different participants each year.  Then, in 2010, we had our celebration at Disney World (you can read about that HERE), and the following year, things got changed up again.  It's been a little back-and-forth since then, but this year, we are hosting again.  My mom is on-board to help me out, but Jill's family won't be with us this year.  Typically, they are with us on alternate years, and last year, they hosted.

 2. Formal or casual?  Mom, Jill and I all use our good china when we host.  However, we are not above making things easy if circumstances call for it.  We'd rather be together than have things picture-perfect.  I have an all-white embossed turkey platter and large and small covered turkey dishes that were my gram's.  See the platter in the picture below?  The all-white theme has prompted me to purchase some other all-white decorations like the pilgrims you see in that picture.

 3./4. Turkey?  Yes!  We always roast it in the oven, and the little button ALWAYS pops earlier than we expect it too.  We have made many a phone call across town to say, "How soon can you get here?  We're running early."  It's kind of gotten to be a joke -- but it happens to all three of us when we host.  Does it happen to you too?

 5. Stuffing?  Yes!  I always make it outside the bird in a casserole.  Our go-to recipe is Stove Top. Years ago, we decided we wouldn't kill ourselves over the stuffing (we've never had any great family recipe), nor would we be embarrassed to say we just use Stove Top, because we all love it!

 6. Side dishes?  As a rule, our side-dishes are the same.  Mashed potatoes, gravy, corn, cinnamon applesauce salad, cranberry jelly, homemade bread (if my hubby has anything to say about it), and usually a sweet potato casserole (if Jill's family is with us).  We don't experiment with recipes for Thanksgiving dinner.  What can I say?  We already know what we like. *wink

 7. Does the host/hostess do all of the cooking?  No!  In my family, we (almost always) ALL contribute to all events in some way.

 8. Dessert?  Pumpkin and apple pies.  Always.

 9. TV?  The TV may be on during cooking time before guests arrive.  But we (meaning my hubby and I) are more interested in peeking at the parade than football.  I still love those giant balloons!  When the guests arrive, the TV goes off, and we are a FOOTBALL(TV) FREE zone!  Seriously.  [I do remember one year that Jill & her hubby hosted.  At that time, my kids were the only kiddos in the family, and Jill graciously borrowed some family videos for us to watch together after dinner -- which was kind of a big deal at the time for our kids.]

10. Serving time?  We usually serve a "late lunch" meal -- planning to sit down at 1:00.

11. Any other traditional activities through the day?  Through the years, we have done various "thankfulness exercises."  Most often, before prayer, we go around the table stating what we are thankful for.  It's typically a little emotional...  After dinner, we often read the Christmas sale ads, sometimes sharing "wish lists."  We do play games, and usually stay together until evening, when we have been known to bring out some fresh appetizers and leftovers.  (Last year, it was a GORGEOUS day, and we all went for a walk together through Jill's neighborhood!)  Occasionally some friends will stop by in the evening, and join us for games and fellowship.

12. Anything else?  Hmmmm, let's see... Well, none of us are Black Friday shoppers.  That said, there might be a thing or two that we run out for.  But we don't typically camp out on the curb at our favorite stores or anything!  If I really have my act together, I like to have enough grocery shopping done so that I don't even have to leave the house on Friday!!!  It's like a Thanksgiving gift to myself!

Okay, your turn!

If you don't have a blog, you can like my Facebook page HERE, and follow along -- and of course, you can always leave a comment here on the blog sharing a favorite Thanksgiving tradition.

Feel free to add my button to your post to link back to our party!

Please remember to submit the link to your POST, and not to your blog's home-page -- and don't forget to stop by & visit at the other participating blogs.  
Thanks for linking up and sharing your Thanksgiving traditions.  ~Sally

This link-up is now closed.

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Thanks so much for taking the time to comment! I read each and every one, and truly enjoy "conversations" with you! ~Sally